this is a true story of a bitch who dump his nice bf instead of staying with him forever.she dunno the real reason she broke off actually but she juz wanna broke off.she dun even understand why she did that but she had done it.she hurts dat guy's feelings terribly and she feel so miserable nw for hurting him so bad.what can she do,like wat malay ppl aways said,'nasi sudah jadi bubur'.
its all her mistake and fault and she admit all was her fault for leaving that guy without a good reason.she uses some other excuse to broke off wit him when she in fact confuse whether she still love him or not.she was juz so confuse with all these and the thing that make her made those decision are bcoz of her restlessness of sumthing.she worries tht her bf was having an affair with someone else and she said she dunno how to treat his bf also.she was juz too worried tht she couldnt treat him well and that is the reason why she'd left him.i heard that was the real reason she left him.she still feel sayang to that guy oso but she couldnt express her feelings,she juz couldnt.she dunno what is the reason that she cant tell her true feelings but she juz couldnt do the way,this girl was actually having some breathing probs these few days and she doesnt even told his bf(nw her x-bf) dat she got some respiratory probs.she have to go see doctor for some check up but she didnt do it.the reason is bcoz she know that the doctor will send her again to the cardiologist and go for another heart check up and all the people there will juz stare at her and feel pity for her for having such terrible sickness when she's still young.she almost cried the last time she went to the cardiologist bcoz most of the patient and even the nurses asked her to be strong.nobody knows how she feel at that time,even her parents doesnt even know she went for the check up.she was a brave girl who brave enuf to go alone and finding out she have to go for heart check up.she had this sickness when she was still in kindergarten.
now she juz hope that when she goes to the hospital the result will still be the same as before.she dun wanna die so early bcoz there are lots of other things tht she wanted to explore.she can make it through everything alone and though her x-bf suspected she got someone else she dun mind.she said that as long as she's sincere its enuf.she juz want ppl to be happy in their life.if she is not happy oso she wont mind.she's fine living alone bcz she's use to it...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
i juz did something unexpected today,tonite.i know its all coming back to me and it is all my fault and im trully and deeply sorry for what i had done to so sorry.i know its my mistake and hopefully i can fix my own feelings soon...
i need to gather all the ingrediants i needed now and blender it together and drink it as a potion to cure my 'sickness' that i know you will labelled it as being a so freaking sorry for what i had so sorry.i have no one now except my parents,friends & teddy bears.
i need to gather all the ingrediants i needed now and blender it together and drink it as a potion to cure my 'sickness' that i know you will labelled it as being a so freaking sorry for what i had so sorry.i have no one now except my parents,friends & teddy bears.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Penang Starwalk 2008
Today is the Penang Starwalk 2007. It started at the PDC near PISA. The registration was around 6am until 6.45am and we just waited for the race to start. We started the race 7am sharp and i ran on my own without anyone bugging me all the way. It was fun walking with a bunch of strangers though coz we can make new friends and enemies!haha...i met my enemy today,this guy who keep on fasting his pace so that he can catch up with me. So basically he was my enemy at that time and based on that i continue to maintain my pace with him and i speed the moment we're reaching finishing line. He was in front of me though the time we reach Jln Tun Dr.Awang and he was really far ahead from me but i guess he got tired and keep on getting slower and slower. At that time i take that chance and i used all my energy that i save for the finishing line for a last battle with him and i think i've won him coz after that i didn't see him oledi. I wonder what happend to him though......
Neway,after the race all 'Starwalkers' went into the main arena building for a lucky draw and the announcement of the winner of the day. The place was crowded with people who were highly hoped that they could get a piece of the prize and that include me of course. The time that we waited had reached and the lucky draw began and you can clearly see that all the faces of the Starwalkers was fill with high hopes. All of us got all excited of the prize which includes stuff from Panasonic,the Grand Prize from Suzuki and some other gifts from the sponsors of the Penang Starwalk. There are also some extra gifts given by airlines in Malaysia like Firefly, MAS, AirAsia, China Airlines and Ave Airlines(if im not mistaken). When they said that they were giving airline ticket to the lucky winner we even get more excited! First it start of with Firefly who give ticket to destination which are considered considerable for the airline itself and the same goes to AirAsia. Then it was the time for MAS where people were imagining airline tickets which reach to unexpected destination which are exciting. The first ticket that were given was a big surprised!! Guess what,they give 2 return ticket PENANG-KUALA LUMPUR-PENANG!! The moment that we got excited to hear the place we got so shocked that after the destination was announced all Starwalkers 'booed' towards the MAS manager and to the airlines itself. We were booing the airlines and laughing our ass off when we heard the destination. Even the mc also laugh and couldn't say anything.hahaha!!!we really laugh our ass off! The same goes to the other not-so-famous airlines,Ave Airlines. It give return ticket KUALA LUMPUR-TAIPING-KUALA LUMPUR! Wat the heck!!! We booed them again!
At the end,i didnt get anything and the same goes to most of the starwalkers also but we still enjoy our hearts out and I can feel that there is no such thing as RACISM exist at that time and i feel kinda proud to be PENANGITES! A true Penangites will not practice RACISM though some of people will still say that racism will still exist in our heart no matter what. The thing that makes people practice racism was bcoz we have that small thinking of fearing other races. If we take all of us as one family and have no fear of each other it will be fine. It all depends on the way we think and how we digest all those things in our mind. Im a Malay and im proud to tell that my 2 best friends are Chinese and they are being really good friend to me and i really appreciate them. I dont care what people say everytime i hangout with the both of them. Im proud to say also that 2 of my best buddies in college are consist of Chinese and Indian. This really shows kemuafakatan kaum. Please remove the sense of RACISM from our hearts.
PS: To my mom,never underestimate your daughter ya.i told ya i can walk for 10km!i was just hiding all my strength from you all this time. Im so loving this Starwalk!!!
Neway,after the race all 'Starwalkers' went into the main arena building for a lucky draw and the announcement of the winner of the day. The place was crowded with people who were highly hoped that they could get a piece of the prize and that include me of course. The time that we waited had reached and the lucky draw began and you can clearly see that all the faces of the Starwalkers was fill with high hopes. All of us got all excited of the prize which includes stuff from Panasonic,the Grand Prize from Suzuki and some other gifts from the sponsors of the Penang Starwalk. There are also some extra gifts given by airlines in Malaysia like Firefly, MAS, AirAsia, China Airlines and Ave Airlines(if im not mistaken). When they said that they were giving airline ticket to the lucky winner we even get more excited! First it start of with Firefly who give ticket to destination which are considered considerable for the airline itself and the same goes to AirAsia. Then it was the time for MAS where people were imagining airline tickets which reach to unexpected destination which are exciting. The first ticket that were given was a big surprised!! Guess what,they give 2 return ticket PENANG-KUALA LUMPUR-PENANG!! The moment that we got excited to hear the place we got so shocked that after the destination was announced all Starwalkers 'booed' towards the MAS manager and to the airlines itself. We were booing the airlines and laughing our ass off when we heard the destination. Even the mc also laugh and couldn't say anything.hahaha!!!we really laugh our ass off! The same goes to the other not-so-famous airlines,Ave Airlines. It give return ticket KUALA LUMPUR-TAIPING-KUALA LUMPUR! Wat the heck!!! We booed them again!
At the end,i didnt get anything and the same goes to most of the starwalkers also but we still enjoy our hearts out and I can feel that there is no such thing as RACISM exist at that time and i feel kinda proud to be PENANGITES! A true Penangites will not practice RACISM though some of people will still say that racism will still exist in our heart no matter what. The thing that makes people practice racism was bcoz we have that small thinking of fearing other races. If we take all of us as one family and have no fear of each other it will be fine. It all depends on the way we think and how we digest all those things in our mind. Im a Malay and im proud to tell that my 2 best friends are Chinese and they are being really good friend to me and i really appreciate them. I dont care what people say everytime i hangout with the both of them. Im proud to say also that 2 of my best buddies in college are consist of Chinese and Indian. This really shows kemuafakatan kaum. Please remove the sense of RACISM from our hearts.
PS: To my mom,never underestimate your daughter ya.i told ya i can walk for 10km!i was just hiding all my strength from you all this time. Im so loving this Starwalk!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Is it ok for me to dump my boyfriend?
That is the question that most of my friend would eventually think if they think that they had enough of their partners.Well,it actually depends on theirself you know and only them can decide on their own.I'm talking like this but the thing is im the one who got confused with all this.oh well, i guess i have to figure out all this on my own.I think im better off alone,i really need to be alone though.I prefer to be alone coz i will have that freedom not to worry about anything or worry that the other partner of mine would agree or not with my decision.It's kinda difficult to explain but i think im having a major probs with my love life now.
I dun say that I hate guys,its juz dat they don't really have that factor that can make me attracted to them,well except mph(my dream guy).i wonder how is he doing now??what he's his his work...and lots of things I wanna know.I dunno whether I can still find him at the same spot though but i think I wanna give it another try maybe this week,this Sunday??well,if im not tired than i will go coz I have to go for Penang Starwalk.for other week im out of town also for a job.
That long week will give me time for me to think about my life.I do need to get out of town also and I think this is a good opportunity.Oh ya,december is coming to an end soon which means dat result are coming fast too!hope i pass all papers.i really need it!
I dun say that I hate guys,its juz dat they don't really have that factor that can make me attracted to them,well except mph(my dream guy).i wonder how is he doing now??what he's his his work...and lots of things I wanna know.I dunno whether I can still find him at the same spot though but i think I wanna give it another try maybe this week,this Sunday??well,if im not tired than i will go coz I have to go for Penang Starwalk.for other week im out of town also for a job.
That long week will give me time for me to think about my life.I do need to get out of town also and I think this is a good opportunity.Oh ya,december is coming to an end soon which means dat result are coming fast too!hope i pass all papers.i really need it!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
a buzy buzzy day today i didn't have any rest at all.i was going around Penang island,well half of it.1st i go to PISA to pick up my goodie bag for the Penang Starwalk for this 'Shonune Sunday'. I was expecting that there will be lesser ppl in the noon but i was wrong.lots of ppl are queing up to get their stuff.and i was standing in front of a lady with a kid and oso a grandma on the side.this lady was not so annoying but later on when she kept on turning and shaking off her head it really pissed me off and annoyed me.i know la the fact that she got a very bouncy pony tail but she dont have to constantly show it to me!i fucking kena her hair lots of times until i feel or you can say that i imagine of chopping off her pony tail!God,dat was the most annoying thing at that time.
Harini jugak aku pergi ke Gurney plaza untuk bershopping buku belajar bahasa,aku decide untuk cari either buku hokkien,french or spanish language.aku jumpa semua buku tu tapi disebabkan harga yang kurang berpatutan esp untuk kamusnya aku terpaksa batalkan niat untuk beli beserta kamus sekali.hehe...akhirnya,aku hanya membeli buku Penang Hokkien Dialect dan Simple French by Europhone Language.hehe..aku suka beli dari company Europhone coz dulu aku punya set belajar bahasa inggeris pun dari Europhone cuma lebih lengkap dari French language ni la.
yikes!!aku terbagi jatuh modem aku pulak!aku rasa duit aritu kerja dengan pdaexpert aku dh dapat tapi agak mengejutkan aku dapat agak banyak jugak.hehe...rasa macam aku dapat rm50!!kalu la aku dpat cpai target hari tu lagi bagus.leh dapat lebih kurang rm200.huhuhu....tapi too bad...
Harini jugak aku pergi ke Gurney plaza untuk bershopping buku belajar bahasa,aku decide untuk cari either buku hokkien,french or spanish language.aku jumpa semua buku tu tapi disebabkan harga yang kurang berpatutan esp untuk kamusnya aku terpaksa batalkan niat untuk beli beserta kamus sekali.hehe...akhirnya,aku hanya membeli buku Penang Hokkien Dialect dan Simple French by Europhone Language.hehe..aku suka beli dari company Europhone coz dulu aku punya set belajar bahasa inggeris pun dari Europhone cuma lebih lengkap dari French language ni la.
yikes!!aku terbagi jatuh modem aku pulak!aku rasa duit aritu kerja dengan pdaexpert aku dh dapat tapi agak mengejutkan aku dapat agak banyak jugak.hehe...rasa macam aku dapat rm50!!kalu la aku dpat cpai target hari tu lagi bagus.leh dapat lebih kurang rm200.huhuhu....tapi too bad...
Monday, December 8, 2008
the sickness i bare
I've been suffering this sickness all this time,as far as i remember since i was a kid and it came back again.i dunno what sickness im having but it was haunting me after i became a lactose intolerant.
This sickness was kinda worst when i was around 6 years old.everytime i did any rough activities or excercise it will bcome worst.i climbed a small hill oso it will be difficult for me to breath,'semput' like what Malay people say.but due to a constant meeting with a good doctor,my sickness was gone already.
But this few years especially in 2005 it came back again.i couldn't breath on certain times.during examination time it became worst.This sickness continued till now and i can't really breath on certain times.These few days it became even worst than i expected.
Today i caught a terrible headache.i hate the headache!!!go away you bastard headache!but after sipping a nice cold soya bean drink it feels better...
This sickness was kinda worst when i was around 6 years old.everytime i did any rough activities or excercise it will bcome worst.i climbed a small hill oso it will be difficult for me to breath,'semput' like what Malay people say.but due to a constant meeting with a good doctor,my sickness was gone already.
But this few years especially in 2005 it came back again.i couldn't breath on certain times.during examination time it became worst.This sickness continued till now and i can't really breath on certain times.These few days it became even worst than i expected.
Today i caught a terrible headache.i hate the headache!!!go away you bastard headache!but after sipping a nice cold soya bean drink it feels better...
Monday, December 1, 2008
the confession of a real man (the finalé)
I Love You
As much as the entire universe exploding,
As much as the waters in every ocean drying,
With my spirit burst,
As much as it spreads outward,
Te quiero.
Mi ke sa rang I tu ci an tu ki ro ki yo so
Mo ma tu cho ke ro han ni ke tu ki ro so
Non sa rang hi an nu ko na ko su mio ong shi na
Na nu kio a sho
Chiam chi su chio ka nu ni kio ni ke ka re so
A pu sa chiom na nen na ke chiop ke hi te
A tu na khan nio sio tu no
Ne ku khan tuo shi kiok shi ni na ha
ps:this stuff totally was said by sumone else and not me.this is the otherside of me,can be equivalent to side project.hehe...
As much as the entire universe exploding,
As much as the waters in every ocean drying,
With my spirit burst,
As much as it spreads outward,
Te quiero.
Mi ke sa rang I tu ci an tu ki ro ki yo so
Mo ma tu cho ke ro han ni ke tu ki ro so
Non sa rang hi an nu ko na ko su mio ong shi na
Na nu kio a sho
Chiam chi su chio ka nu ni kio ni ke ka re so
A pu sa chiom na nen na ke chiop ke hi te
A tu na khan nio sio tu no
Ne ku khan tuo shi kiok shi ni na ha
ps:this stuff totally was said by sumone else and not me.this is the otherside of me,can be equivalent to side project.hehe...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Cunning Man
it starts with hello and hai
it turns into hey and hai
it changed to waive and sweet deep smile.
he make promises
he gave assurance
he fulfil those promises and assurance.
they make we believe
they make we trust
they make we fall for them.
things changed
things moved...
promises made are meant to be broken.
trust build are meant to be demolished.
happiness given are meant to be tarnished.
successful feelings are design to be taken back.
thanx for everything.
thanx for the apology.
thanx for reminding me.
it turns into hey and hai
it changed to waive and sweet deep smile.
he make promises
he gave assurance
he fulfil those promises and assurance.
they make we believe
they make we trust
they make we fall for them.
things changed
things moved...
promises made are meant to be broken.
trust build are meant to be demolished.
happiness given are meant to be tarnished.
successful feelings are design to be taken back.
thanx for everything.
thanx for the apology.
thanx for reminding me.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Few Things I Hate About You
I hate when you play prank on me
I hate when you dont admit it.
I hate when you ignore me
I hate when you compare me
I hate when you asked me to change
I hate when you dont realize my changes
I hate when we fight
I hate when we disagree
I hate when you shopped till you drop
I hate when you want me become like other people.
ps:no connection with real life
I hate when you dont admit it.
I hate when you ignore me
I hate when you compare me
I hate when you asked me to change
I hate when you dont realize my changes
I hate when we fight
I hate when we disagree
I hate when you shopped till you drop
I hate when you want me become like other people.
ps:no connection with real life
Saturday, November 1, 2008
We're cheats, says half of students at Cambridge
This is probably one of the best piece of article that i had read says that half of the students at Cambridge University admit to cheating,according to a survey.i was reading this article on my way back to my hometown and the most interesting part about it was because i was once studied there and i promoted to most of my frens that 'a true rockers will never cheated during xm time'.i guess im wrong about this Uni in the first place.
The one that really makes me wanna laugh and gt all xcited about would be the part where it says tht;
"Law students were the worst offenders with 62 oer cent of them breaking the rules."
Many students blamed their intense workload for cutting corners,while others said they did not understand the University's definition of plagiarism and were surprised to know they had broken the rules.
Those who lied by copying sum articles in Google end up to be the best essays.
I guess i have to be doing that last time so that i will pass with flying colour.darn,i shud have done that but my own philosophy denies me to do it.
The one that really makes me wanna laugh and gt all xcited about would be the part where it says tht;
"Law students were the worst offenders with 62 oer cent of them breaking the rules."
Many students blamed their intense workload for cutting corners,while others said they did not understand the University's definition of plagiarism and were surprised to know they had broken the rules.
Those who lied by copying sum articles in Google end up to be the best essays.
I guess i have to be doing that last time so that i will pass with flying colour.darn,i shud have done that but my own philosophy denies me to do it.
shut up & drive!
this is what i feel like saying to Alonso.wats wrong with him.let bygone be bygone.he keep on whining and grining still about his past time with McLaren and wishing for unsuccessful career for another team,a team which once used to be his team.
juz bcoz he got some conflicts with the manager of the team, it doesnt mean tht he had to hate them so juz bored of listening to his whining over and over again. and reporter would juz clap their hands and saying hip hip hooray for their success of getting the biggest news.
Alonso hopes McLaren flounder again however,the spaniard said he had nothing against Lewis Hamilton, McLaren's 23 years old title favourite who leads Ferrari's Felipe Massa by seven points ahead of today's season-ending Brazilian Grand Prix.
ps:stop making all those annoying comments and juz drive.
juz bcoz he got some conflicts with the manager of the team, it doesnt mean tht he had to hate them so juz bored of listening to his whining over and over again. and reporter would juz clap their hands and saying hip hip hooray for their success of getting the biggest news.
Alonso hopes McLaren flounder again however,the spaniard said he had nothing against Lewis Hamilton, McLaren's 23 years old title favourite who leads Ferrari's Felipe Massa by seven points ahead of today's season-ending Brazilian Grand Prix.
ps:stop making all those annoying comments and juz drive.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
the indie-pendent night
yesterday is the night before Malaysia,my beloved country celebrated their 51st Independents is going to be my first day also celebrating the nite of independence day outside the home since all this while i've been celebrating it in the house itself only with my,what plans do i have for that special nite??am i going to make myself wasted outside?no, i had better plan though...
the same nite itself which is the 30th of August 2008,a gig was held at Soundmaker, Weld Quay the first place i tot its going to be in a big space and etc with lots of people cramming in the place with a very sweaty and 'heaty' experience but it turned out to be was not that bad for a first timer like me(a real first timer for a gig)and it was actually a really new and exciting experienced.
ok,lets not waste my time and the electricity coz wasting electricity is not cool coz it can cause global warming.neway,the show/gig should be starting earlier but a friend of my friend told him that the gig only started around 4 like that or earlier or later..i dunno.i arrived there only at 7pm,im a late comers!haha!!there's saying "a true rockers never came early for a show/gig" following that saying
neway,we(my fren n I) arrived there like a true rockstar.we came,we climb,we saw(the counter ticket),we walkthrough(not paying for the ticket,lol)and we conquer the place by placing ourself at the most safest place of all...beside the was actually rather safe to step aside and let other hard rockers,skinheads,punkers n etc take their position to kick off one another(literally).there was a band that was performing on stage but seriously i dunno the band name(sorry),my fren should know the name since his fren is in the band.well,they really kicked off the show and i was kinda enjoying the show and i was expecting more to come.eventually yes...later,a poet by the name of Rahmat Harun performed with his deep poem.honestly,children below aged are not allowed to listen to all this crap.haha,but adult should listen to this art though coz it meant something if we really understand it and we should take it and apply it literally what happened around us.i know that Mrs.Hatia will definitely hold her breath and make her shocking face and the eyes glued to the poet and said "oh my goodness,its that even a word that was coming out from his mouth or hisses,sick in the head people"..hahaha.that what i guess she should be saying but not me.basically the poem relates bout whats happening in Malaysia.
then it continues with performance from various bands that for me really kicked the show that nite!i was really enjoying it from the side and all of them are very cool people and they will be even cooler without alcohol offense ya.i prefer a performance without a single alcohol bottle bcoz like what a saying once said "a true rockers never drink during their performance" which is not so true but i was hoping it could be true though....lots of band that performed on that night i barely know them and i cant even remember their name,gosh,my memory so bad..must upgrade the memory card some more.
but the one tht i could not forget is the performance by Circle of Friends where in the beginning itself they already show their 'self-hatred' towards those who are homophobic.this is actually the first time i saw all 'this' in front of me but i manage to take it easy though coz i was actually staring at the drummer rather than the vocalist.he didnt distract me that well though..huhu.that band is from Singapore and the funny thing about this band is that among all the thing that they should have forgotten,there is a thing that they(or more to the drummer) that he shouldn't forget but he had forgotten..drum stick!he had forgotten or purposely not bringing his drum stick and he has to like "hey,any body got drum stick??" i was just laughing from the side there.eventually someone borrowed him one and he played well.he is awesome!
Gang Buster also did performed for the show and they rock the house!so basically when they performed all those skinheads came down and just enjoying the show and to be honest i enjoyed it so much.they performed few songs(sorry i dunno the name of all the songs they played) and the crowd was just enjoying and loving the performance and start kicking themselves again.haha...among all i still remember a guy wearing a red shirt or jacket with a big red shoes like Ronald McDonald who was dancing enjoying the show.he really looked 'high' at that time...but for me he looks funny at that time.
a band from KL also performed and i dunno them and the name oslo.they r kinda good though they really sounded like Metallica. maybe its the fact that they played Enter Sandman using their own version called Enter Sandman 1.2 or sumthing like that...according to my fren,they all is Reshmonu punya anak didik,lebih kurang macam tu kot.
the last performance that i saw would be Circle of Friends and after that i have to chiao followed my fren to take his own circle of friends.hehehe..the show continues on the 31st of August but too bad i cant go for the continuing show.gosh...neway,my fren shared with me his xperience and even show me some of the footage of the was so cool coz it was held on the rooftop!gosh..i wished i could be there.more cooler bands performed on that nite like Teenage Glory For The Wasted, Shewolf, Damn Dirty Apes, Flica & much more.for those who watched the show/gig they are very very lucky coz i heard most of the bands that performed on the 2nd day is more hectic and cool and the best part is that it was held on the rooftop!!my fren even told me that there's a band by the name of Uglyman who sang in Chinese but can still attract the attention(tari crown) of the audience.wasn't that cool!!!awesome!
Basically, what can i say about my first time experience celebrating Independents Day outside the house and watching a live gig is a truly worth taking a risk experience.Im seing the nicest and the most awesome bunga api once i get down from the hall where the gig was held.oh ya,no matter wat you must take care of yourself properly bcoz you might get the tendency to be hit by a car(maniac!i will remember you dark blue toyota/honda with halogen light) or being strangle by your own fren or being 'choped' as sum1 special fren.hahaha...thats all.
chiao for now.
ps : i love you.
the same nite itself which is the 30th of August 2008,a gig was held at Soundmaker, Weld Quay the first place i tot its going to be in a big space and etc with lots of people cramming in the place with a very sweaty and 'heaty' experience but it turned out to be was not that bad for a first timer like me(a real first timer for a gig)and it was actually a really new and exciting experienced.
ok,lets not waste my time and the electricity coz wasting electricity is not cool coz it can cause global warming.neway,the show/gig should be starting earlier but a friend of my friend told him that the gig only started around 4 like that or earlier or later..i dunno.i arrived there only at 7pm,im a late comers!haha!!there's saying "a true rockers never came early for a show/gig" following that saying
neway,we(my fren n I) arrived there like a true rockstar.we came,we climb,we saw(the counter ticket),we walkthrough(not paying for the ticket,lol)and we conquer the place by placing ourself at the most safest place of all...beside the was actually rather safe to step aside and let other hard rockers,skinheads,punkers n etc take their position to kick off one another(literally).there was a band that was performing on stage but seriously i dunno the band name(sorry),my fren should know the name since his fren is in the band.well,they really kicked off the show and i was kinda enjoying the show and i was expecting more to come.eventually yes...later,a poet by the name of Rahmat Harun performed with his deep poem.honestly,children below aged are not allowed to listen to all this crap.haha,but adult should listen to this art though coz it meant something if we really understand it and we should take it and apply it literally what happened around us.i know that Mrs.Hatia will definitely hold her breath and make her shocking face and the eyes glued to the poet and said "oh my goodness,its that even a word that was coming out from his mouth or hisses,sick in the head people"..hahaha.that what i guess she should be saying but not me.basically the poem relates bout whats happening in Malaysia.
then it continues with performance from various bands that for me really kicked the show that nite!i was really enjoying it from the side and all of them are very cool people and they will be even cooler without alcohol offense ya.i prefer a performance without a single alcohol bottle bcoz like what a saying once said "a true rockers never drink during their performance" which is not so true but i was hoping it could be true though....lots of band that performed on that night i barely know them and i cant even remember their name,gosh,my memory so bad..must upgrade the memory card some more.
but the one tht i could not forget is the performance by Circle of Friends where in the beginning itself they already show their 'self-hatred' towards those who are homophobic.this is actually the first time i saw all 'this' in front of me but i manage to take it easy though coz i was actually staring at the drummer rather than the vocalist.he didnt distract me that well though..huhu.that band is from Singapore and the funny thing about this band is that among all the thing that they should have forgotten,there is a thing that they(or more to the drummer) that he shouldn't forget but he had forgotten..drum stick!he had forgotten or purposely not bringing his drum stick and he has to like "hey,any body got drum stick??" i was just laughing from the side there.eventually someone borrowed him one and he played well.he is awesome!
Gang Buster also did performed for the show and they rock the house!so basically when they performed all those skinheads came down and just enjoying the show and to be honest i enjoyed it so much.they performed few songs(sorry i dunno the name of all the songs they played) and the crowd was just enjoying and loving the performance and start kicking themselves again.haha...among all i still remember a guy wearing a red shirt or jacket with a big red shoes like Ronald McDonald who was dancing enjoying the show.he really looked 'high' at that time...but for me he looks funny at that time.
a band from KL also performed and i dunno them and the name oslo.they r kinda good though they really sounded like Metallica. maybe its the fact that they played Enter Sandman using their own version called Enter Sandman 1.2 or sumthing like that...according to my fren,they all is Reshmonu punya anak didik,lebih kurang macam tu kot.
the last performance that i saw would be Circle of Friends and after that i have to chiao followed my fren to take his own circle of friends.hehehe..the show continues on the 31st of August but too bad i cant go for the continuing show.gosh...neway,my fren shared with me his xperience and even show me some of the footage of the was so cool coz it was held on the rooftop!gosh..i wished i could be there.more cooler bands performed on that nite like Teenage Glory For The Wasted, Shewolf, Damn Dirty Apes, Flica & much more.for those who watched the show/gig they are very very lucky coz i heard most of the bands that performed on the 2nd day is more hectic and cool and the best part is that it was held on the rooftop!!my fren even told me that there's a band by the name of Uglyman who sang in Chinese but can still attract the attention(tari crown) of the audience.wasn't that cool!!!awesome!
Basically, what can i say about my first time experience celebrating Independents Day outside the house and watching a live gig is a truly worth taking a risk experience.Im seing the nicest and the most awesome bunga api once i get down from the hall where the gig was held.oh ya,no matter wat you must take care of yourself properly bcoz you might get the tendency to be hit by a car(maniac!i will remember you dark blue toyota/honda with halogen light) or being strangle by your own fren or being 'choped' as sum1 special fren.hahaha...thats all.
chiao for now.
ps : i love you.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
devastating life!!!
sick of myself
sick of the people around me
they make me think differently
end up getting different thing!
maybe they dont know
that im fragile as glass
and maybe they dont know
that i can be as cold as ice
maybe they dont know
that i can be pissed
and maybe they dont know
i can be patient
maybe they dont know
that i can easily fall in love
and maybe they dont know
that i can easily hate people
i always advise myself
be careful whom you be friend with
be careful whom you gonna like
but it remain empty advise
no matter wat
i will end up with something wrong
i never made anything right
it seems...
but im gonna try to fake the truth
by making more empty promises
by making more convincing phrase
that i can do it
i can do it
though the truth lies inside me
sick of the people around me
they make me think differently
end up getting different thing!
maybe they dont know
that im fragile as glass
and maybe they dont know
that i can be as cold as ice
maybe they dont know
that i can be pissed
and maybe they dont know
i can be patient
maybe they dont know
that i can easily fall in love
and maybe they dont know
that i can easily hate people
i always advise myself
be careful whom you be friend with
be careful whom you gonna like
but it remain empty advise
no matter wat
i will end up with something wrong
i never made anything right
it seems...
but im gonna try to fake the truth
by making more empty promises
by making more convincing phrase
that i can do it
i can do it
though the truth lies inside me
Friday, June 20, 2008
a total confusion!
right now im torn between two confused with myself also coz if i decided to take one turn,it would result with some clash between me n my fren.and if i take another turn,i would have to sacrifice myself lo.but still i dun suffer that much coz that decision oso is not certain(im not sure whether the turn would get the same result).but now honestly im always thinking about him only and that is a dangerous thing to happend.i cant betray my fren bt at the same time i like him.but honestly,which one is more important??frenship or love??for me it would be friendship coz we cant really find a true friend and once we find them we should appreciate them.
i have to stay focus with pengsan only but still im not sure whether pengsan like me or not.haih,wat a bummer!wish that he could confess to me(dream on).but still i honestly cant denied my own feelings and i kinda think bout 'shah reza' look-a-like.he's cute!!wat else do you need??!hehehe...but i bet lots of girl likes him and had a crush on him and this includes the patient me,im the person who bring or ascorted the patient and still fall in love at him,haha!i can easily fall to people esp if they are cute!dun blame me bcoz im just being a girl.hahaha...!
i have to stay focus with pengsan only but still im not sure whether pengsan like me or not.haih,wat a bummer!wish that he could confess to me(dream on).but still i honestly cant denied my own feelings and i kinda think bout 'shah reza' look-a-like.he's cute!!wat else do you need??!hehehe...but i bet lots of girl likes him and had a crush on him and this includes the patient me,im the person who bring or ascorted the patient and still fall in love at him,haha!i can easily fall to people esp if they are cute!dun blame me bcoz im just being a girl.hahaha...!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
perfect love story
looking at the love shown between shinichi and ran remind me of sumthing.the love between the both of them shows that even if the person you really loved the most is not in front of you,it doesnt mean that you must stop loving them.the love will continue if it is a genuine love and true love that you believe in.i wonder if those kinda love really exist in today's world becoz i rarely seen it and at the same time it happend to me.but the thing is i FINALLY realize tht he's not the one for me.that is a good reason why now i have to think twice before i enter into any relationship bcoz you'll regret it once you be with someone but seing the person you really love the most as only a stranger or fren rather than ur partner.the worst is that when you found out that that person you had a crushed actually like you the same as you do to him.that is the time you feel like you wished you would never meet the person you are with now.that happened to me and as a conclusion,i ended the relationship bcoz i cant deny my own feelings nemore and i cant go kidding around with myself just being me.
ran's love towards shinichi is really sumthing!that shows how a true love must be.the same goes to shinichi's love towards ran.he just didnt realize bout it earlier and still denying the fact that he likes her.
"if you are destined with sumone,that person will still be ur partner no matter what happened"
that is a good phrase describing the love between heiji hattori and kazuha.heiji just realize that kazuha was the first love he found in his life and that happened when he was in kyoto.he was searching for the first love until the time he thought that he already found the person he was searching for but at the end that person was not the one that he was searching for.he did not realize that the person he was searching for is the person who is always standing by near him,kazuha.he finally found out about it and was glad that he knows that the person whom he love now is the person whom he loved when he was still a kid.
how i wish that these kind of fairy tales can really happened in real life...esp happend to me.i mostly fit to ran situation where i actually had a crush on this guy and he is my only crushed that i still like and remember till now and really missed a lot.the guy is mph but too bad he got 'sumone' else as his partner,i basically my fairy tales will remain as fairy tales though last time i was hoping that it could become true and i really actually believed that it will come true though,i just feel it!but too bad,my feeling was just denying the fact that it is the most impossible things that could happend.well,im still hoping that i can meet him and i will wait the time when im going to meet him and hopefully im prepared for it.
ran's love towards shinichi is really sumthing!that shows how a true love must be.the same goes to shinichi's love towards ran.he just didnt realize bout it earlier and still denying the fact that he likes her.
"if you are destined with sumone,that person will still be ur partner no matter what happened"
that is a good phrase describing the love between heiji hattori and kazuha.heiji just realize that kazuha was the first love he found in his life and that happened when he was in kyoto.he was searching for the first love until the time he thought that he already found the person he was searching for but at the end that person was not the one that he was searching for.he did not realize that the person he was searching for is the person who is always standing by near him,kazuha.he finally found out about it and was glad that he knows that the person whom he love now is the person whom he loved when he was still a kid.
how i wish that these kind of fairy tales can really happened in real life...esp happend to me.i mostly fit to ran situation where i actually had a crush on this guy and he is my only crushed that i still like and remember till now and really missed a lot.the guy is mph but too bad he got 'sumone' else as his partner,i basically my fairy tales will remain as fairy tales though last time i was hoping that it could become true and i really actually believed that it will come true though,i just feel it!but too bad,my feeling was just denying the fact that it is the most impossible things that could happend.well,im still hoping that i can meet him and i will wait the time when im going to meet him and hopefully im prepared for it.
my exam
walaueh...i dunno wat to say about the xm just now leh.i answered all four question but amazingly i still got time to just sit and look back at all my question and can even tried out sum other question that i didnt do.i even can flip back the statute book as if im revising it.owh...God,please let me just pass this paper and the rest of the other 3 so scared bcoz all my fren seems so confident while me just worried about my is bcoz most of them answered all 2pages only while all my friend answered either 2.5pages or 3 so so so scared!am i missing anything in my answer??hopefully not la and i really hope that the lecturer in UK can be lenient while marking all my papers.anyway,this is only the 1st paper and i shouldnt let myself down like this but rather i must prepare for the next paper and i should go all out for all the next paper.
ps:yesterday or can say that this morning i had a terrible sleep bcoz i couldnt sleep till i ate panadol.see how stressed i am??but still i can surf the net just to see fu hai feng cute pic and listen to sum nice song(slow korean song).shy to admit but sumtimes i do njoy this kinda songs.sooth my ear and easy listening.

this is wat i did basically yesterday b4 my crime yes,its a crime!
ps:yesterday or can say that this morning i had a terrible sleep bcoz i couldnt sleep till i ate panadol.see how stressed i am??but still i can surf the net just to see fu hai feng cute pic and listen to sum nice song(slow korean song).shy to admit but sumtimes i do njoy this kinda songs.sooth my ear and easy listening.
this is wat i did basically yesterday b4 my crime yes,its a crime!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
pikiran ngak keruan
temen gue yg satu ni kangen banget ama 'pengsannya'.smakin dia mndgr lagunya ct 'melawan kesepian' smakin dianya lg pkirin dia ja.gimana ya mau nasihatin dia ni??
kalu aku sih aku cuma tringatkn si mph itu.kangen banget ama dia!his face looks like fachry albar,exactly!dats why maybe i fall for him.all the memories are still remain with me.maybe thats the reason why i dun hv special one with me.but hopefully the next one should be permanent.maybe it could be mph...
kalu aku sih aku cuma tringatkn si mph itu.kangen banget ama dia!his face looks like fachry albar,exactly!dats why maybe i fall for him.all the memories are still remain with me.maybe thats the reason why i dun hv special one with me.but hopefully the next one should be permanent.maybe it could be mph...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
he look like sumone...
the guy that my fren like looks like Hafiz Hashim!i just realized bout it when i watch the news i know whom he looks like.oh,he really remind me of pengsan oledi!
you know wat,i saw his pic at the other annexe today.he's the champion!no no,i was just kidding.his team did not won anything but rather all of em who joined the futsal competition received a trophy each.darn!i should have join it!she should have join it oso.
you know wat,i saw his pic at the other annexe today.he's the champion!no no,i was just kidding.his team did not won anything but rather all of em who joined the futsal competition received a trophy each.darn!i should have join it!she should have join it oso.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Go Kart!
these few days my excitement over go karting is there again.i just cant wait to go to Genting(if there is anyone dat willing to follow me) and i just wanna go go kart only.but im not sure whether they still have the go kart place or not since i didnt see any promotions in the game section mentioning about go kart but rather they just mention about archery(xpensive).
i has oledi checked places around Malaysia that provide go kart track and too bad Penang did not provide any!so that means either i have to go all the way to shah alam,which is way too far, or i can either go to ipoh or setiawan or even langkawi.considering the track,the one situated in Langkawi looks even better and more challenging compared to ipoh.thats the reason why the prices oso is different!the one is langkawi will be much more xpensive than the one is ipoh.for setiawan,i think the price is kinda reasonable for the track.maybe should go there oso!but maybe i might just go to Langkawi 1st bcoz i might be going there with my mates after my xm.hopefully...if not then i will just asked sidd to bring me to ipoh and setiawan and take me to the go kart circuit!muahaha...bully him b4 he go to UK.
dats all im thinking now beside xm.there's only two things that i can focused on,which is study and motorsport esp go karting.if Penang have a go kart circuit,i will be their regular customer.please please LIM GUAN ENG,open up at least one place and made it a go kart circuit!!i bag you...please!!!!who knows that Penang will eventually produced an F1 driver or A1 or F2000 n etc driver??rite??after all,Penang has produced lots of talent like actresses and actor,models and top scorer and not to mention GREATEST FOOD of ALL!!!
i has oledi checked places around Malaysia that provide go kart track and too bad Penang did not provide any!so that means either i have to go all the way to shah alam,which is way too far, or i can either go to ipoh or setiawan or even langkawi.considering the track,the one situated in Langkawi looks even better and more challenging compared to ipoh.thats the reason why the prices oso is different!the one is langkawi will be much more xpensive than the one is ipoh.for setiawan,i think the price is kinda reasonable for the track.maybe should go there oso!but maybe i might just go to Langkawi 1st bcoz i might be going there with my mates after my xm.hopefully...if not then i will just asked sidd to bring me to ipoh and setiawan and take me to the go kart circuit!muahaha...bully him b4 he go to UK.
dats all im thinking now beside xm.there's only two things that i can focused on,which is study and motorsport esp go karting.if Penang have a go kart circuit,i will be their regular customer.please please LIM GUAN ENG,open up at least one place and made it a go kart circuit!!i bag you...please!!!!who knows that Penang will eventually produced an F1 driver or A1 or F2000 n etc driver??rite??after all,Penang has produced lots of talent like actresses and actor,models and top scorer and not to mention GREATEST FOOD of ALL!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
yesterday once more, once more
oh,how i wished i could turn back time and repeat again the day that i spoke with you or was sitting in front of you or even the day you was introduced to me...the year went off so fast that i couldnt remember why i didnt has any big crush at you last time.i wished tht some miracle mite happend and we will be together or at least knw each other better.hope that faith will lead us together and showed us some way.who knows dat our mom will ended up knowing each other for a very long time and by that then maybe we can be closer or at least b friend though i wish tat we can be more than a fren.the song that kinda make me think of you know wud be Teardrops on my Guitar.i dunno why but tats the song tat will sumtimes make me think of you.dunno oso whether u have a gf or engaged or wat but hopefully ur still single and available.but the thing is im scared that ur parents will arrange ur marriage.hopefully not.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
sedih banget teman gue nich...
i just cant stand anymore oledi!!!i have a story and i just cant keep it oledi coz its just burdening my head and my feelings.i have a friend that like this particular guy but the thing is she dont even dare to tell him bout her feelings towards him.she always observed him from far and everytime she got the chance to see him or just to look at him she will take this opportunity and she will go through any obstacles in order to see him.
today she cant see him in the canteen and decided to search for the guy in the college itself and she found him.she thought that today he's going to spend his time in the canteen oso as wat he aways did but it turned out to be wrong.after she came back from her farewell lunch she quickly go to the canteen hoping that he will be there.she searched for him but couldnt find him still and she continue the search around the college.she still couldnt find him and guess wat...he went back home oledi...
oh ya,that is the most impossible guy that she could have.she should stay single i think.
today she cant see him in the canteen and decided to search for the guy in the college itself and she found him.she thought that today he's going to spend his time in the canteen oso as wat he aways did but it turned out to be wrong.after she came back from her farewell lunch she quickly go to the canteen hoping that he will be there.she searched for him but couldnt find him still and she continue the search around the college.she still couldnt find him and guess wat...he went back home oledi...
oh ya,that is the most impossible guy that she could have.she should stay single i think.
Friday, April 11, 2008
bencana or wat??
yesterday my 'senior' wrote a complain letter regarding the attitude of this particular lect and they asked us to sign the letter as a support regarding the complain the thing that scared me would be that would it effect our class and her attitude in class towards us later?hopefully no bcoz we will be facing her face again next year for evidence and not to forget la this year oso since our class with her still havent finis yet.
the other class oledi faced her today since they got class with her.dunno wat she said towards them or maybe she will say sumthing towards all of us together next week when our class combine.only God can help us to face her and i really hope that she wont make any sarcastic remark towards us or taunt us.i better think of the things that she wud wanna say in class and think of the defences or the reason for making or supporting the complaints made.i hope she would not just fire me straight away la coz maybe she will picked on me since im senior oledi than the others.
thats the reason why i should be preparing all the arguments so that i can fire her back if she fired against me bcoz after all the law allowed us to take arms against the society moto.
the other class oledi faced her today since they got class with her.dunno wat she said towards them or maybe she will say sumthing towards all of us together next week when our class combine.only God can help us to face her and i really hope that she wont make any sarcastic remark towards us or taunt us.i better think of the things that she wud wanna say in class and think of the defences or the reason for making or supporting the complaints made.i hope she would not just fire me straight away la coz maybe she will picked on me since im senior oledi than the others.
thats the reason why i should be preparing all the arguments so that i can fire her back if she fired against me bcoz after all the law allowed us to take arms against the society moto.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
me first 2008 blog
feels hungry and sleepy but couldnt sleep well.stress bcoz xm coming and must pass this xm.
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