Saturday, December 13, 2008

Penang Starwalk 2008

Today is the Penang Starwalk 2007. It started at the PDC near PISA. The registration was around 6am until 6.45am and we just waited for the race to start. We started the race 7am sharp and i ran on my own without anyone bugging me all the way. It was fun walking with a bunch of strangers though coz we can make new friends and enemies!haha...i met my enemy today,this guy who keep on fasting his pace so that he can catch up with me. So basically he was my enemy at that time and based on that i continue to maintain my pace with him and i speed the moment we're reaching finishing line. He was in front of me though the time we reach Jln Tun Dr.Awang and he was really far ahead from me but i guess he got tired and keep on getting slower and slower. At that time i take that chance and i used all my energy that i save for the finishing line for a last battle with him and i think i've won him coz after that i didn't see him oledi. I wonder what happend to him though......

Neway,after the race all 'Starwalkers' went into the main arena building for a lucky draw and the announcement of the winner of the day. The place was crowded with people who were highly hoped that they could get a piece of the prize and that include me of course. The time that we waited had reached and the lucky draw began and you can clearly see that all the faces of the Starwalkers was fill with high hopes. All of us got all excited of the prize which includes stuff from Panasonic,the Grand Prize from Suzuki and some other gifts from the sponsors of the Penang Starwalk. There are also some extra gifts given by airlines in Malaysia like Firefly, MAS, AirAsia, China Airlines and Ave Airlines(if im not mistaken). When they said that they were giving airline ticket to the lucky winner we even get more excited! First it start of with Firefly who give ticket to destination which are considered considerable for the airline itself and the same goes to AirAsia. Then it was the time for MAS where people were imagining airline tickets which reach to unexpected destination which are exciting. The first ticket that were given was a big surprised!! Guess what,they give 2 return ticket PENANG-KUALA LUMPUR-PENANG!! The moment that we got excited to hear the place we got so shocked that after the destination was announced all Starwalkers 'booed' towards the MAS manager and to the airlines itself. We were booing the airlines and laughing our ass off when we heard the destination. Even the mc also laugh and couldn't say anything.hahaha!!!we really laugh our ass off! The same goes to the other not-so-famous airlines,Ave Airlines. It give return ticket KUALA LUMPUR-TAIPING-KUALA LUMPUR! Wat the heck!!! We booed them again!

At the end,i didnt get anything and the same goes to most of the starwalkers also but we still enjoy our hearts out and I can feel that there is no such thing as RACISM exist at that time and i feel kinda proud to be PENANGITES! A true Penangites will not practice RACISM though some of people will still say that racism will still exist in our heart no matter what. The thing that makes people practice racism was bcoz we have that small thinking of fearing other races. If we take all of us as one family and have no fear of each other it will be fine. It all depends on the way we think and how we digest all those things in our mind. Im a Malay and im proud to tell that my 2 best friends are Chinese and they are being really good friend to me and i really appreciate them. I dont care what people say everytime i hangout with the both of them. Im proud to say also that 2 of my best buddies in college are consist of Chinese and Indian. This really shows kemuafakatan kaum. Please remove the sense of RACISM from our hearts.

PS: To my mom,never underestimate your daughter ya.i told ya i can walk for 10km!i was just hiding all my strength from you all this time. Im so loving this Starwalk!!!