Friday, April 11, 2008

bencana or wat??

yesterday my 'senior' wrote a complain letter regarding the attitude of this particular lect and they asked us to sign the letter as a support regarding the complain the thing that scared me would be that would it effect our class and her attitude in class towards us later?hopefully no bcoz we will be facing her face again next year for evidence and not to forget la this year oso since our class with her still havent finis yet.

the other class oledi faced her today since they got class with her.dunno wat she said towards them or maybe she will say sumthing towards all of us together next week when our class combine.only God can help us to face her and i really hope that she wont make any sarcastic remark towards us or taunt us.i better think of the things that she wud wanna say in class and think of the defences or the reason for making or supporting the complaints made.i hope she would not just fire me straight away la coz maybe she will picked on me since im senior oledi than the others.

thats the reason why i should be preparing all the arguments so that i can fire her back if she fired against me bcoz after all the law allowed us to take arms against the society moto.