Thursday, May 1, 2008

yesterday once more, once more

oh,how i wished i could turn back time and repeat again the day that i spoke with you or was sitting in front of you or even the day you was introduced to me...the year went off so fast that i couldnt remember why i didnt has any big crush at you last time.i wished tht some miracle mite happend and we will be together or at least knw each other better.hope that faith will lead us together and showed us some way.who knows dat our mom will ended up knowing each other for a very long time and by that then maybe we can be closer or at least b friend though i wish tat we can be more than a fren.the song that kinda make me think of you know wud be Teardrops on my Guitar.i dunno why but tats the song tat will sumtimes make me think of you.dunno oso whether u have a gf or engaged or wat but hopefully ur still single and available.but the thing is im scared that ur parents will arrange ur marriage.hopefully not.