Friday, December 12, 2008

Is it ok for me to dump my boyfriend?

That is the question that most of my friend would eventually think if they think that they had enough of their partners.Well,it actually depends on theirself you know and only them can decide on their own.I'm talking like this but the thing is im the one who got confused with all this.oh well, i guess i have to figure out all this on my own.I think im better off alone,i really need to be alone though.I prefer to be alone coz i will have that freedom not to worry about anything or worry that the other partner of mine would agree or not with my decision.It's kinda difficult to explain but i think im having a major probs with my love life now.

I dun say that I hate guys,its juz dat they don't really have that factor that can make me attracted to them,well except mph(my dream guy).i wonder how is he doing now??what he's his his work...and lots of things I wanna know.I dunno whether I can still find him at the same spot though but i think I wanna give it another try maybe this week,this Sunday??well,if im not tired than i will go coz I have to go for Penang Starwalk.for other week im out of town also for a job.

That long week will give me time for me to think about my life.I do need to get out of town also and I think this is a good opportunity.Oh ya,december is coming to an end soon which means dat result are coming fast too!hope i pass all papers.i really need it!