Thursday, December 11, 2008

a buzy buzzy day today i didn't have any rest at all.i was going around Penang island,well half of it.1st i go to PISA to pick up my goodie bag for the Penang Starwalk for this 'Shonune Sunday'. I was expecting that there will be lesser ppl in the noon but i was wrong.lots of ppl are queing up to get their stuff.and i was standing in front of a lady with a kid and oso a grandma on the side.this lady was not so annoying but later on when she kept on turning and shaking off her head it really pissed me off and annoyed me.i know la the fact that she got a very bouncy pony tail but she dont have to constantly show it to me!i fucking kena her hair lots of times until i feel or you can say that i imagine of chopping off her pony tail!God,dat was the most annoying thing at that time.

Harini jugak aku pergi ke Gurney plaza untuk bershopping buku belajar bahasa,aku decide untuk cari either buku hokkien,french or spanish language.aku jumpa semua buku tu tapi disebabkan harga yang kurang berpatutan esp untuk kamusnya aku terpaksa batalkan niat untuk beli beserta kamus sekali.hehe...akhirnya,aku hanya membeli buku Penang Hokkien Dialect dan Simple French by Europhone Language.hehe..aku suka beli dari company Europhone coz dulu aku punya set belajar bahasa inggeris pun dari Europhone cuma lebih lengkap dari French language ni la.

yikes!!aku terbagi jatuh modem aku pulak!aku rasa duit aritu kerja dengan pdaexpert aku dh dapat tapi agak mengejutkan aku dapat agak banyak jugak.hehe...rasa macam aku dapat rm50!!kalu la aku dpat cpai target hari tu lagi bagus.leh dapat lebih kurang rm200.huhuhu....tapi too bad...