walaueh...i dunno wat to say about the xm just now leh.i answered all four question but amazingly i still got time to just sit and look back at all my question and can even tried out sum other question that i didnt do.i even can flip back the statute book as if im revising it.owh...God,please let me just pass this paper and the rest of the other 3 papers.im so scared bcoz all my fren seems so confident while me just worried about my paper.it is bcoz most of them answered all 2pages only while all my friend answered either 2.5pages or 3 pages.im so so so scared!am i missing anything in my answer??hopefully not la and i really hope that the lecturer in UK can be lenient while marking all my papers.anyway,this is only the 1st paper and i shouldnt let myself down like this but rather i must prepare for the next paper and i should go all out for all the next paper.
ps:yesterday or can say that this morning i had a terrible sleep bcoz i couldnt sleep till i ate panadol.see how stressed i am??but still i can surf the net just to see fu hai feng cute pic and listen to sum nice song(slow korean song).shy to admit but sumtimes i do njoy this kinda songs.sooth my ear and easy listening.

this is wat i did basically yesterday b4 my crime paper.lol.yes yes,its a crime!
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