Thursday, August 12, 2010

Flying The Flags

there will be two flags that will be flagged on a poll this month, Indonesian flag and Malaysian flag as both nation are having their independence day.

but the most important flag that will be raised would be the Indonesian flag, Sangsaka Merah Putih

my comrades and me will be responsible raising the flag on the 17th of August 2010. it is a big responsibility to us and we really hope with all those training that we had all this while it will came out well and we will make Indonesians feel proud of their country.

17 Agustus tahun 1945. itulah hari kemerdekaan kita. hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa, hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia. skali merdeka tetap merdeka.

i pray that everything will went smoothly. sunny and windy. just nice and perfect for the Big Day :)

Later on on the 31st of August 2010 is Malaysia's turn to celebrate independence day. too bad i had no involvement with the celebration. 

31 bulan 8 1957 hari mulia, negaraku Merdeka!!! Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka ... Merdeka!

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