Friday, August 27, 2010

Anger Management

im not here to make any review about the movie anger management or anything such like that but rather to talk about how anger triggers in ourself and how does it effect the person in an angry situation and the ppl around them.

How Anger Triggers?

Anger strikes when our mind was not in a stable mood. when our mind are not in a stable mood and there is another negative force that collided with it, anger thus occurs.
so the best advise for those who can get angry easily is to take a deep breath and for a muslim don't forget to zikir and our mind will be at peace.


1st experience
i myself was having this problems last time especially during my secondary skool.the worst i've ever done was that I threw a thick math text book to my gym teacher.that is like the worst i've ever did and i regretted my act.sorry teacher :P
and for my above act i was punished...with 50 demerits,i think or lesser a bit than 50.lucky skool didnt suspend me coz lucky enough for the teacher that she dodge thus it only flew beside her face.but it did touches her hair.haha.

2nd experience :

recently i had seen one of my friend being provoked till he gets angry. it's my first time seeing himself as an angry person tho.

there are reason for every anger and for this fella i think if im not mistaken he was called to work when he already supposedly to have an MC leave. that day we had a lot of work and maybe boss was quite worried that we couldn't finish all the work so he decided to call this fella.

so this fella who usually had the sweetest face had now become an oliver kahn...when i say oliver kahn i do mean the face expression.

no smile no sweet face but only an angry face as if he's going to kill someone.

so, me being a scary cat type of person don't even dare to look at him,well maybe i do had a glimpse of was pissed off , that's for sure.

no need for me to elaborate more as i don't have the appetite to talk about it.makes me scared the hell of him.

3rd experience : 
when a person is angry about something they can do the most unthinkable think which a reasonableman should not do.

they might use black magic and stuff just to make the other person that they had a grudge on suffers.for me that is like the worst thing a person can do to another person.evil as devil i should say.

The Aftermath

what will come after we had let go our anger? either regrets or embarasment or proud that people know how angry you can be. this suddenly reminds me of the Incredible Hulk. it's the best metamorphosis ever expressed in Hollywood i should say though i don't really like the movie :P

well then again what i am trying to show here is that the after effect of it is always bad and rarely it will comes out good. i remember going to skool after the incident with a red face as all the teacher was looking at me when I entered the staff room. wat a douche i could say for my act.


Who's on the Winning Side?

For sure at the end we want to know who among those parties that had actually won. was it the one who gets angry or the one assaulted?

the answer is very simple ....



the one who won this would be the devil who poke us with its stick and causes the chaos. the devil will dance around the fire happily seeing we human being assaulting each other.

 ooppss wrong devil :P

yess, devil may look something like this.

and yes they can be the devil in real world as well ;)

as the devil once promise to crush Adam's family they will continued to achieve their vows to God and will continue till the Judgment Day finally comes.

so why shall we let them win?? we should fight as best we can and ensure they failed to fulfill their vows. lets crush em down oh human being!