Sunday, July 4, 2010

what do you want from me and what people want me to do for people?

this is me, the author of this blog writing about what my fren being facing with. i now considered myself as a part time therapist, lol, with no charge of course.

so here it goes ....

that is a very long title aye? coz tis is wat i've been facing with. they want something from me and they want me to satisfy ppl and they expect me to do as they wish. very tired and sumore i was not being paid,yet or soon or none. urghh, cape deh.

so now im asking you ... "what do you want from me" and do you expect me to pamper you every single time i wanna satisfy my ownself??

don't you have some other work to do coz as far as i know you have something more important dat you need to do rather than me.

is it wrong for me to pamper my ownself without looking at what other ppl would think or would like me actually to do??

i think until one extend your patient level will just rise up till you are no longer able to hold it in and it will burst out like Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland.

this work is a really tiring job i ever did. but maybe for those who used to do this work it ain't dat bad tho but for me , the newbies, it is quite a burden. bcoz you don't know which person you wanna satisfy the most. is it them or them?

and definitely i can't spot myself in this situation. no one cares how to satisfy me coz i am no one plus my situation now even worse. i don't think ppl respect me in a way. i don't mind coz i know who i am.

those below always must respect those who are above us the lower class ppl. in this modern world this thing still are happening.

no wonder ppl are chasing wealth and status, i think i clearly got the idea now what's happening.

till now, i can't state what's in my mind, fearing that someone will loose their job bcoz of me. i don't want that to happend so im shutting my mouth shutttt~

from here it sounds as if im holding the biggest secret of all and if i spill it someone will be killed, hahaha. yes someone will not be killed literally but they will be killed inside and out indeed. no blood needed for this killing, only mind game.

it will tear you apart and traumatise you ....

and maybe it will just make you feel like being bullied
and just wanna stay away from those ppl who once tried to control you and made you do as they wish.

but you know what, let just bygone be bygone . buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih. this is just my expression towards the thing happening to me. to my boss , you know who you are, stop being bossy and try to think about what ppl feel also. and please, no more bad words to me ya or to the other colleague.

just give peace a chance

To end this modern therapy session, i just wanna tell that as a therapist, whatever problem you've been handling you can always tell any therapist or even your true best buddy which you know that they won't spill it to anyone else. in other words, they bring your secret into their grave.

Peace Out.

ps : if you have any probs, don't forget to call your frenly therapist :-)