Monday, July 5, 2010

Don't ever sleep on the afternoon, till afternoon or after afternoon.

 ok, the reason for that second long title is because i just had this weird but related to me dream. it is actually kinda tragic in a way for the guy but good ending for the girl but at the end everything turned out to be a different ending.

here it goes ....

today i kinda woke up very early in the morning. after subuh prayer i don't feel like sleeping anymore. so i decide to wash my clothes (finally i had the initiative to help mom & do my own laundry)

after i did my laundry i decided to surf the net and maybe watch a few good movies online. i don't know why that morning i feel like watching Mary Poppins at youtube. the line was damn slow these few days and i malas already wanna watch and dl few old songs like Mocca - I Remember (just listened at fren's house)

surfing will usually make my eyes very tired and after trying very hard to surf that slow ocean of internet, i decide to take a nap. at that time it was already 12noon and i had my brunch already, roti canai Transfer Road (yummy!!!)

ok, sorry for dragging this story and sorry for the need to read my early grandma stories ... hehe, i think it is just my nature to tell everything in details.

the story begin ...

the moment when i start the dream, im already in a middle of conversation between frens and unknown frens. if im not mistaken it should be some kedai mamak or just like a place to hang out to for the youngster to watch football. discussion and argument about football are going on at tht time.

so , rather awkward after just realising i was at a new place i straightaway find a laptop and use it. i chat with a fren of mine and surprisingly it goes back towards the game between Argentina v Germany. and of course i just defend all out my Germany from being taunted with bad words by the net fren.

and when we were discussing sudddenly one of the known fren (a guy) approach me and have a glimpse of what i chatted with the net fren (i guess i must've been borrowing his laptop tho,haha)

then on my side there was a guy which if im not mistaken i've known him or seen him somewhere before today.


"aku ingat dah!"

"Rio Reifan!"

but at that time i didn't mention his name but rather just shout out quietly only just as a reminder and coz im in shock , haha

~Rio Reifan~

then i just ignore him, pretending i didn't see him and did not know him at all. but i realise that he was looking towards me when i was talking to the fren who borrowed me the laptop as before this he was talking with him.

then somehow another fren came in front of me and talk to him and he changed his seating position and seating nearer to me this time that even our shoulder collided with each other.

at first i feel so heavy when he actually did lean on me a bit and immediately after he move away i state my relief sensation from being lean on for quite a time.

"adoi, akhirnya lo minggir jg"

then rio replied me back

"oh,maaf kalo gw uda beratin lo tp keanya ga deh"

then i told him again then i kinda feel that he was leaning towards me like im some kind of wall or something and then he instantly move and seat very near to me again and look at me ...

what i know is that the next day both of us already married ... GILA!!!

i said that because both of us are in a room which for me kinda familiar. then i realise im at my mom's hometown at tebing tinggi,pabatu.

when i went out from the room my mom was there and she just asked what is the feeling of becoming Pengantin Baru.

i was shocked but somehow i was happy : p

but there was something inside my heart that make me feel so restless. then i remember abt this guy that i like. i was wondering what ever happend to him...

so after my mom left the kitchen (apparently our room is connected to the kitchen, ridiculous!) i decided to fold some dry clothes that i had already picked up in the morning (this must be due to the effect that i washed my clothes tis morning)

then when i look on my left side and i saw the guy that i like! he was staring at my windows but like mengelamun type. (ohh,dlm mimpi ni dia jiran sbelah rumah aku la pulak,pelik la tis dream)

then he startled a bit and he congratulate me for my marriage.

"ei,tahniah la sebab u dah kawin dengan org yg baik dan kaya.good for you"

he smile but sadly i can feel that he forced himself to give me that smile.

and somehow i feel so torn apart by the words uttered from his mouth. now i realise that my love is actually for him and not for rio!

then somehow rio called me into the room and i told him i have to settle something first . at that time i was in tears.

i went into my brother's room (which at that time he just woke up) and i told him about my problem. i told him i actually love the neighbour and i just realise about it. he then scolded me. he asked me

"macam mana boleh jadi macam ni?? then macam mana dulu bercinta?? how boring can your love life be?? "

then i just told him although it was boring in his eyes but it was something meaningful and precious for me. he is like the boy that i think im gonna end up marrying but turn out differently.

then i ran out from his room. all i know is that after that i was already at some kedai runcit buying maggie mee. (weird)

then on my way back i saw a bunch of samseng walking towards the ocean and me being a busy body person followed them and daringly asked one of them where are you going.

then one of them told me they are heading towards this particular person house and when i heard the name i was shocked .... it was my house!

they wanna revenge on behalf of their leader for me breaking the heart of their leader. i was so scared and i wanna see who is their leader.

it turn out to be the next door neighbour that i fell in love with. i was stunned and cried instantly (this is so movie, klise!)

he was smoking on his bike (a.k.a bicycle) at that time, which for me i find it very funny.

c'mon, a gangster smoking on a motor bike is acceptable but this one is a bicycle! maybe samseng kampung dusun,hahaha.

then i can see that he was very sad and at that time he told them

"i don't ask you all to kill them but you want to do it for me. it is up to you. even if you killed all of them her heart still belongs to the husband and not me"

i shed tears (again, lame) when i heard his words and left my groceries and hug him and jump over his bicycle (memalukan)

then i told him my heart is for you and i regret for every decision i made previously and willing to follow him anywhere he goes.

so there it goes, he cycle the both of us far far away heading somewhere im not sure.

and that is the end of my dream because i force myself to get up from that dreadful dream.

too klise!

too tragic!!

too LAME!!!