Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Professionalism of the Educated Men was Beyond Expectation

Times are passing by like a river flow but still the long awaiting song continue to be sung. It's either the promise has been forgotten or dump & forgotten. The one's waiting will suffer more than the one's telling. They just love the other's pain is it?

Nothing can stop my anger is it? No one can cure it? No one can save it? There is! But too bad they had no balls. Simple Plan is way better than them "No Pads, No Helmets Just Balls".

Executing their duties was uphold by others. Are we that not important? Are we just some rubbish or some toy that you love to play around but then when you're done with it you just throw it out? Ohh MM Geeee . You should learn from Brave Guys.

Remembering your work is equivalent with remembering your duties to your kids. If you just abandon your duties like this I bet one day you can also abandon your kids in times of difficult. I can see who's running first when something happen. It's only the image of your ownself and NO OTHERS.

I am whining like a little kid because I deserve the rights to do so. Why shouldn't I? A little kid was given his equal chance to whine and why shouldn't I right? 

Suddenly the image of the scenes from Man From The Equator jumps out in my mind. I was that hurt, as much as Kim Seonu. The worst part is that I feel like I'm becoming him and they becoming Jang-Il. They really do. With pretentious and all we have develop our own scenes which eventually if it was structured properly it will be a hit drama series with hatred and all.

Should I start writing the real core of it as a story and make the plot more exciting? I think I should :)

I will start structuring the whole thing and if it goes well I should start writing very very soon. Just thinking about it already make me so excited but with a pain in my heart. I just I can't help it being too nice and turning into an evil one was a real pain in the ass. Just like those arse-licker. Their image just make me sick of them. With their fake smile and fake best attitude. It hurts me that I once had trust on him. But then it was all shattered apart after it.

"Dear God, turn me into a bird, so I can fly far far away from here"

My feelings after being betrayed and used was the same as how Jenny felt when she was hoping the 'sick' father could be gone from her life forever.

Ps : I'll post a link here if I were to write . Stay tuned.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pengguna Tak Berguna?

Apa yang cuba hendak saya sampaikan di sini sebenarnya? Bagi pendapat saya ia bukanlah omong kosong tetapi kenyataan yang pahit untuk di terima kita sebagai 'Pengguna'. 

Istilah 'pengguna' saya kategorikan sebagai individu masyarakat yang menggunakan sesuatu produk sama ada produk penjagaan diri seharian, produk makanan, barangan elektronik ataupun dari segi hiburan yang disajikan kepada kita. Saya masih ingat lagi akan sebuah hypermarket yang pernah menjadi bualan hebat seluruh masyarakat Malaysia apabila barang yang dijual murah tetapi dijual dengan kuantiti yang banyak (borong). 

Pada waktu itu saya ingat lagi betapa susahnya hendak memasuki ke dalam hypermarket tersebut yang meletakkan pelbagai syarat. Saya sendiri tidak pernah memasuki hypermarket tersebut kerana mendengar terlalu banyak komentar dari pengguna bahawa hanya pengguna yang mempunyai kad hypermarket itu sahaja yang dapat membeli belah di situ dan hanya orang dewasa sahaja yang dibenarkan masuk ke situ. Sejauh mana kebenaran itu saya sendiri kurang pasti kerana pada waktu itu saya masih tidak terlalu mempunyai keinginan untuk ke tempat sebegitu kerana masih di bangku sekolah rendah. Terlalu banyak syarat yang diletakkan dan tempat tersebut menjadi seolah-olahnya sangat eksklusif.

Akan tetapi setelah beberapa tahun (kalau saya tidak salah) muncul hypermarket yang terbaru yang tidak mengenakan syarat-syarat yang berat. Salah satu syarat utama hypermarket tersebut adalah pekerjanya tidak boleh membeli barangan yang telah di reject dengan kata lain yang hampir dengan tarikh tamat tempoh atau yang hampir rosak. Selain itu tiada syarat-syarat yang dikenakan. Bagi pengguna yang membeli barang di hypermarket tersebut mereka boleh mendaftar untuk menjadi ahli kelab sekiranya mereka mahu. Dengan menjadi ahli kelab (yang tidak mengenakan sebarang bayaran) mereka boleh mengumpul mata dan sekaligus menebus mata ganjaran dengan kupon RM yang akan dihantar oleh pihak hypermarket. Kupon RM yang tertera jumlah akumulasi mata ganjaran kemudian boleh diguna pakai untuk kegunaan di hypermarket tersebut. Selain itu potongan-potongan harga bagi sesetengah barangan juga disediakan. Diskaun dan potongan harga dan harga barangan yang lebih murah dibanding tempat lain juga membuatkan pengguna sangat senang untuk berkunjung ke hypermarket tersebut untuk berbelanja. Dengan kondisi yang sangat nyaman dan lagu yang sayup-sayup kedengaran agar suasana tidak terlalu bosan membuatkan pengunjung sentiasa tidak bosan untuk berbelanja di situ walaupun kadangkala tujuan sesetengan pengunjung hanya untuk melihat-lihat barangan dan membandingkan harga sahaja. 

Tapi apa yang menghairankan saya kenapa tiada khidmat sebegini rupa yang sanggup bersaing dari segi harga dan kualiti disediakan bagi khidmat siaran televisyen? Apa yang saya tahu hanya satu sahaja stesen tv berbayar yang tersedia ada di Malaysia ini. Saya berterima kasih kepada stesen tv berbayar ini kerana memberi saya peluang untuk menonton siaran-siaran yang tidak dapat disiarkan oleh stesen tv kerajaan mahupun tv swasta tidak berbayar yang lain. Terima kasih walaupun kami terpaksa membayar untuk menonton rancangan-rancangan tersebut. Tetapi apa yang membuatkan saya tidak puas hati adalah KENAPA setiap kali hujan siaran yang ditonton di stesen tv berbayar ini pasti tidak dapat ditonton dengan kata lain HILANG, LESAP. Adakah ini suatu masalah yang tidak dapat dielakkan sama sekali? Apakah anda tidak berniat untuk mencari penyelesaian bagi masalah itu? Apakah anda tidak mahu mengambil pakar di bahagian penyiaran untuk memberi perkhidmatan yang lebih baik kepada pengguna anda yang telah MEMBAYAR bagi perkhidmatan anda? Selain itu BAYARAN juga dinaikkan sewenang-wenangnya. KENAPA? Bukankah bayaran tersebut sepatutnya dibayar oleh pihak syarikat anda dan bukan kami pengguna? KENAPA? Kenapa tiada penjelasan yang jelas diberikan? KENAPA? Adakah kerana anda tahu "kami tidak bisa hidup tanpa anda" ?

Saya rasa bukan saya sahaja yang pernah bersuara tentang hal ini tetapi menteri-menteri pernah bersuara tapi apa jawapannya?? Saya sebagai pengguna masih tidak tahu jawapannya. Minta maaf sekiranya saya tidak membaca artikel yang anda keluarkan bagi menjawab persoalan-persoalan tersebut tetapi apa hak kami sebagai PENGGUNA SETIA anda? Takkan lah rasa terima kasih anda kepada kami hanya ditonjolkan dengan memberi siaran percuma bagi berapa ratus rangkaian selama beberapa hari sahaja? Patutnya tunjukkan langkah terima kasih anda dengan mencari jalan penyelesaian bagi membolehkan penonton dapat menonton siaran anda tanpa gangguan walaupun hujan. 

Saya rasa ini sesuatu perkara yang sangat melucukan kerana kami PENGGUNA membayar untuk suatu perkhidmatan yang hanya boleh ditonton sewaktu cuaca cerah dan baik sahaja. Sekiranya hujan itu bermaksud kami tidak perlu menonton siaran televisyen dan hanya patut tidur sahaja. Bukankah tujuan televisyen dan siaran-siaran tersebut adalah untuk menghiburkan pengguna dan memberi info yang berguna?

Lebih melucukan adalah TIADA SATU pun stesen tv swasta berbayar yang mampu muncul bagi bersaing dengan mereka seperti apa yang saya ceritakan tentang hypermarket sebelum ini. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa kami PENGGUNA dilayan sedemikian? Sebab itu tajuk untuk catatan kali ini adalah "Pengguna Tak Berguna?" kerana saya bertanya adakah kami pengguna ini langsung tiada gunanya dan dengan membuat aduan tiada satu pun tindakan yang diambil untuk membaik pulih perkhidmatan?

Saya harap akan ada suatu pihak yang membuat sesuatu tentang hal ini. Saya telah merasakan beberapa kali situasi yang saya ceritakan ini dan itu merupakan suatu pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan saya sebagai PENGGUNA yang membayar bagi suatu perkhidmatan yang saya harapkan baik tetapi tidak seberap baik yang diharapkan.

Terima kasih.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The thing about love is ....


no longer in love??

bla bla bla

jaba jaba jaba

i am still in love

in love with the shadow that can be touch

but become untouchable once i decided so

ohh this love sick feeling

how i hate you


if only it can go away as easy as that


Friday, May 25, 2012

Love is so beautiful

oh no .... it comes again.

aww, what is it?

hmmm ....

the feeling of love

it doesn't matter that person notice or not

but when it happen it feels like everything is perfect 

your surrounding has never been so perfect

the scenery was so picturesque

you feel like you want to paint

the bird chirp in such a sweet harmony

the wind blew so breezily 

the cloud seems to be telling stories

ahhh ... the feel ....

the feel of felling in love

whether the other person notice or not

the feeling just so beautiful

let's together say

  I Love You

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The One That Collapse

sometimes there are hopes that will make you hoping that you can get it
there are some that you are hoping you can get it but you can't
but there are some that will come rolling to you but something just can't make it happen
not to forget there are some that you are already on the verge of it but half way it collapse

I don't know what are these called as
I am not sure myself
But I know for sure it happens in daily life
It sucks you know
But take it ... " That's life "

You can think you did the best you could
You can think you be the best you could
You think you be the best they could
But in the end, you are not

It's a dissapointment in life but that is part of the lesson you learn from the thing called life.

You can't just give up 
Although you feel like it
Coz if you quit
It will be hard to get up

Rather than feeling all bruised up for the wound that has been put through you all this while
I guess the only thing that the wounded man could do is to treat himself
Put some medicine
Heal the wound as much as he can
Do not let the memory crashes you down
Although it hurts like crazy just to think how they could do that
But again
That is life

Do not blame the life
It is part of the test
Otherwise this would be a boring world called Earth

I am glad the pain would end
But I hope nobody will get hurt because of it
The wounded man himself is enough to be hurt
Let's not make anyone else hurt
Coz it hurt just to see people you love get hurts


Friday, April 6, 2012

Cinta ku tertinggal di ........

I cant help myself from shedding tears while listening to this song. although the 1 i love is still alive but i feel how she felt earlier. the lyrics just make me burst in tears.

Thumbs up Jang Nara!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Fox and The Grapes

i love this Aesop's Fables book that i bought last 2 week with my friend. i would love to share some of the piece with the netizens.

The Fox and The Grapes

A famished fox crept into a vineyard where ripe, luscious grapes were drapped high upon arbors in a most tempting display. In his effort to win the juicy prize, the fox jumped and sprang many times but failed in all his attempts. When he finally admit defeat, he retreated and muttered to himself,  "Well, what does it matter anyway? The grapes are sour!"

It is easy to despise what you cannot get

Friday, February 24, 2012


i now believe that whatever things i watched in Gossip Girl is true. it all happeneds in our life. it is just that i didn't realize all this while. now i need to change. what come to worse if i change for good right? if changes for good will make people talk about you also, it's okay. coz we can't stop them from keep on talking.


It's okay not to be Okay?

There are times when i thought what i did was wright and there are times when i thought what i did was wrong. I guess the feel is the opposite feel. I should have realize it earlier. I've been so stressed out just for one day that i think i feel like passing out.

So the major big problem at work that i did this time was to open up boss's door which cannot be open coz its locked. There are reason for that otherwise i wouldn't have been bothered to open it up. But i guess this is what we called as the working life. 

i cant complain much as this is the path i decided to force myself into it. my heart was almost there when i realize i may have made the wrong decision. what i can do now is sit and pray tho it actually make me feel sleepy and dizzy. my blood level has gone down within 1 minute. Within 1 minute!!

i had no idea what else i should do now. im at a  point where i feel like running away and sleep. i cant cry coz it was not meant to be something to cry for. the chicken wing i ate make me even drowsier than ever and it kills me to yawn a hundred times.

now i just don't want to bump into him. stress maksimum gila.
