sometimes there are hopes that will make you hoping that you can get it
there are some that you are hoping you can get it but you can't
but there are some that will come rolling to you but something just can't make it happen
not to forget there are some that you are already on the verge of it but half way it collapse
I don't know what are these called as
I am not sure myself
But I know for sure it happens in daily life
It sucks you know
But take it ... " That's life "
You can think you did the best you could
You can think you be the best you could
You think you be the best they could
But in the end, you are not
It's a dissapointment in life but that is part of the lesson you learn from the thing called life.
You can't just give up
Although you feel like it
Coz if you quit
It will be hard to get up
Rather than feeling all bruised up for the wound that has been put through you all this while
I guess the only thing that the wounded man could do is to treat himself
Put some medicine
Heal the wound as much as he can
Do not let the memory crashes you down
Although it hurts like crazy just to think how they could do that
But again
That is life
Do not blame the life
It is part of the test
Otherwise this would be a boring world called Earth
I am glad the pain would end
But I hope nobody will get hurt because of it
The wounded man himself is enough to be hurt
Let's not make anyone else hurt
Coz it hurt just to see people you love get hurts
Berita Teknologi · 156 weeks ago