Times are passing by like a river flow but still the long awaiting song continue to be sung. It's either the promise has been forgotten or dump & forgotten. The one's waiting will suffer more than the one's telling. They just love the other's pain is it?
Nothing can stop my anger is it? No one can cure it? No one can save it? There is! But too bad they had no balls. Simple Plan is way better than them "No Pads, No Helmets Just Balls".
Executing their duties was uphold by others. Are we that not important? Are we just some rubbish or some toy that you love to play around but then when you're done with it you just throw it out? Ohh MM Geeee . You should learn from Brave Guys.
Remembering your work is equivalent with remembering your duties to your kids. If you just abandon your duties like this I bet one day you can also abandon your kids in times of difficult. I can see who's running first when something happen. It's only the image of your ownself and NO OTHERS.
I am whining like a little kid because I deserve the rights to do so. Why shouldn't I? A little kid was given his equal chance to whine and why shouldn't I right?
Suddenly the image of the scenes from Man From The Equator jumps out in my mind. I was that hurt, as much as Kim Seonu. The worst part is that I feel like I'm becoming him and they becoming Jang-Il. They really do. With pretentious and all we have develop our own scenes which eventually if it was structured properly it will be a hit drama series with hatred and all.
Should I start writing the real core of it as a story and make the plot more exciting? I think I should :)
I will start structuring the whole thing and if it goes well I should start writing very very soon. Just thinking about it already make me so excited but with a pain in my heart. I just I can't help it being too nice and turning into an evil one was a real pain in the ass. Just like those arse-licker. Their image just make me sick of them. With their fake smile and fake best attitude. It hurts me that I once had trust on him. But then it was all shattered apart after it.
"Dear God, turn me into a bird, so I can fly far far away from here"
My feelings after being betrayed and used was the same as how Jenny felt when she was hoping the 'sick' father could be gone from her life forever.
Ps : I'll post a link here if I were to write . Stay tuned.
Berita Teknologi · 156 weeks ago