There's been lots of changes that encounters me this year,like my bro's wedding which i considered as the biggest revelation about something in my life. And I am trying to adapt something which is sort of not myself into myself if I intend to turn out as what they expect me to do so. So my resolution for next year is to finish my degree ASAP.
I intend to change few of my bad habits as far as I can and I really hoped that I will manage to do it,I really wish.
No matter how long I have to wait for him, I will surely waited for him till I know for sure that he have someone else. I don't care and I think now I really understand what does it mean by the saying 'Love is Blind' and yes I agree with it.
There is lots of things that I wanted to say but it's very hard to describe it. I am not sure how to express my feelings. Just forget about telling people coz jotting it down here also was hard enough for me. The reason why I can write right now is becoz I was listening to a very mellow songs. Mellow songs helps me tho to write mellow stuff and to be as mellow as I could.
Suddenly feels like writing down a poem, maybe poem is the best method to express yourself out and people will have to feel it to know the meaning,cool rite?
I feel like flying,
With birds and angels following me,
As high and as free as I can go,
Wishing that sorrowness will fade away
Wishing that I could reach him
and wishing that he could saw me.
And as I fly,
Rain starts to fall,
Too heavy I guess for the clouds to handle.
The wind blew the clouds away,
There's no more rain
But thunder do strike few times
Scaring few crows on the 'bushy' trees.
The soul that is flying feels like landing
But unsure of it's position
Where could it be?
Will the soul found her body?
Will the soul be together with her body she wanted too?
There's too much question
But there is no answer.
The soul fly high again
Determine to find 'it' as what the other fellow birds told
And the soul depart with jukebox feelings
Wishing again the end will be better
And ended with a fairy tale.
-unrest soul-
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Other World
Have you ever encountered anything from the other world or the outside world from us here?? Do you believe in ghost??
I don't say that I dun believe that spirits exist but if Im not mistaken in the holy month of Ramadhan all devils and satan are being locked and chained so that they will not disturb human being during this holy month. But does that include spirits??
I think i've just encountered spirit the time I was sitting alone in college. I was in an empty class room alone waiting for my class to start as I came 1hour early. Rather than playing with handphone I've decided to read my notes. I was really focusing upon my notes when suddenly I can see on my right side a black figure passing behind me and at the same time I can feel a strong breez of air when actually the class room was fully closed and its impossible for there to be such breez as the room was aircond and this is really different from aircond air.
I was kinda nervous but I tried to stay calm and slowly pack my stuff, switch off all electricity in the class and ciao ASAP from the class. I oledi told this to my mom and she just told me the next time dun ever stay alone in a classroom. I dun wanna tell in the first place but my mind cant seem to be in peace. Even the time I go for Isyak prayer my mind was just running around the fact that there's a spirit in my room and it is actually watching me closely. So I decided to recite Quran and it makes me calm a bit.
So, after reading all this, do you believe in ghost???
-encountered with the other world-
I don't say that I dun believe that spirits exist but if Im not mistaken in the holy month of Ramadhan all devils and satan are being locked and chained so that they will not disturb human being during this holy month. But does that include spirits??
I think i've just encountered spirit the time I was sitting alone in college. I was in an empty class room alone waiting for my class to start as I came 1hour early. Rather than playing with handphone I've decided to read my notes. I was really focusing upon my notes when suddenly I can see on my right side a black figure passing behind me and at the same time I can feel a strong breez of air when actually the class room was fully closed and its impossible for there to be such breez as the room was aircond and this is really different from aircond air.
I was kinda nervous but I tried to stay calm and slowly pack my stuff, switch off all electricity in the class and ciao ASAP from the class. I oledi told this to my mom and she just told me the next time dun ever stay alone in a classroom. I dun wanna tell in the first place but my mind cant seem to be in peace. Even the time I go for Isyak prayer my mind was just running around the fact that there's a spirit in my room and it is actually watching me closely. So I decided to recite Quran and it makes me calm a bit.
So, after reading all this, do you believe in ghost???
-encountered with the other world-
Friday, August 28, 2009
My Confession
Your Smile Brings Light Into My Days
The Tought Of You ,Warms My Night
To Hold You In My Arms ,
Even In My Dreams It Feels So Right
Loving You
You Never See The Way I Look Into Your
You Never Realize The Love I Feel
Pain And Sorrow That Haunted Me ,
Cause Words I've Left Unsaid To You
Now You Found Someone Else To Love
Deep In My Heart, My Love Won't Fade Away
To Hold U In My Arms
Even In My Dreams It Feels So Right Loving You
The Tought Of You ,Warms My Night
To Hold You In My Arms ,
Even In My Dreams It Feels So Right
Loving You
You Never See The Way I Look Into Your
You Never Realize The Love I Feel
Pain And Sorrow That Haunted Me ,
Cause Words I've Left Unsaid To You
Now You Found Someone Else To Love
Deep In My Heart, My Love Won't Fade Away
To Hold U In My Arms
Even In My Dreams It Feels So Right Loving You
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Crash & Burn 2009
What can be said to be the most embarrassing moment in my life?? The answer could be on 17th August 2009, the day where i'm supposed to feel honoured carrying the flag to the pole and taking it back to the box and keep it safe for next year celebration. What supposed to be the most successful day and the time where i can feel proud with myself turned out to be the most disasterous day ever and the most humiliating moment in my life. Let me start this crash and burn day....
As all the Indonesian ppl knw,on the 17th of August is the day where all Indonesian will feel proud with how they achieve their independence because on that day it is Indonesian Independence Day. To start the story,let me describe about the nite before the big day...
All of us(paskibra unit)are having sumwhat like slumber party as we are trying to avoid lateness n etc,so we decided to crash at the ambassy's house. We are trying so hard to sleep but to be honest we are helplessly successful in doing that. This year,paskibra unit are conclusive of young teenagers and matured teens. The young teens here couldn't sleep at all. They constantly wake up so ended up they laugh and play all nite long,not having sleep at all. From this moment i know some of this brats are going to create some havoc during the Big Day and my instinct was right. Although my fren and I myself are having that problem we are trying our best to sleep tho.
When the Big Day rises it sunshine everybody was already ready to set the day and make it a major history for our ownself and for the KJRI Penang also. Few of those paskibra unit who didn't join the sleep over came just in time to make up themself and be prepared....and here it goes.
The time has come for us to go out to the battlefield and used all the strategy that was trained to us by our most beloved trainers where they teaches us with patient and sweat. We make a heading to the battlefield with fast heartbeating,nervousness and stomachache. It was not to hot nor cold,just nice weather. Its time for us to make a move after one of our most beloved trainer who are leading the opening day entered the field. We make quite a good move first and i was happy and proud for a second. I was very nervous to take the honoured flag but i bravely take it with dignity and honour tho to be honest i am a Malaysian(im semi Malaysia & Indonesia, hehe). After we reach to the pole its time for me to give the honoured flag to my comrade who has been practicing not to laugh when giving the flag. Suddenly...i heard one of the comrade saying the name of one of the sick comrade and i was kinda worried at that time and my restlessness strikes my head. I know for a second that someone is going to faint and she does. Luckily she was being helped before she flat out on the field. But it makes me sad a bit to be honest. We continue everything and at that time everything went well. We went back to our 1st base where we landed our feet in the battlefield itself. When i thought everything is going to be ok something went wrong again. I heard a hard thump behind my line and at that time i know for sure one more person has lost the battle and the person who lost the battle is the person whom i had advised the nite before the Big Day to go get some rest. I was frustrated at that time,somemore listening to what those TKI was talking about us. Beside fainting nothing gone wrong during the raising the honoured flag moment.
Now the most saddest part came....
Its the time where we suppose to raised down the honoured flag and bring it back to its resting place and honoured it for the last time. It was a bit touché a bit because on that evening it was raining and our battlefield has become like an ugly football field or less worst than a padi field. We was informed that we are having a special guess from Aceh and we really have to make KJRI Penang feel proud by showing this guess what we have been trained for all this while. We make a footing at the same base like morning and waiting for another beloved trainer to enter the field and lead us. He came in and we are prepared,no more fainting this time we said. Everything went quite well first and then the 1st disaster started...One of our comrade shoes lose out coz it has been stepped by one of the comrade behing her,accidentally stepped and she stopped for a while to insert her leg inside her shoes back. I almost laugh but more to feel frustrate a bit. And its time to raise down the honoured flag and again when everything was supposed to be smooth sailing something went wrong. This time its the worst of all when the flag we are raising down can't be raised down! That is the worst of all!!! I considered myself as dead at that time. The song already half way and i can see my comrade are struggling to raised down the flag but they can't. I pity them a lot coz we are part of the team and whatever happened to one of the comrade the whole unit can feel it too. Then our most beloved trainer/leader for the closing ceremony came out and saved the day where at that time we can already see and feel how frustrated he is with all of us. We go back to the base hoping everything went well but again our marching are not the same a.k.a legs. This is due to our own fault.
After all finish,we are called to gathered around and was approached by the beloved trainer who saved our day and he scolded us and i think among all the words he said,the saddest would be the time he said "all the training we have been through was useless". I think that is the time where i can really feel how frustrated he is with the unit. He then leave us just like that,i guess he was just trying to calm himself down coz we know he usually not like that kind of person. Then we were called again by another beloved trainer where he gave us some +ve words to sooth our feelings a bit after we had lost the 'war' just now. At that time one of my comrade already cried and it tears me a bit. We all then shake hands with the beloved trainer and moved on to the field again as its time to take photos. Before photo moments we were approached by the most beloved trainer who really gave us lots of positive words tho we already know it has no effect at all to us. After photo moment we were called by beloved trainer who saved the day and he looks a bit calm down at that time. He then ask us to sit down and cool down for a sec and its time for him to have some slow talk with us. It was at that time most of the paskibra unit cried when he talks coz we know we really dissapoint him,somemore this year and this month was his last month in Penang,Malaysia. I tried my best not to cry but it was a helpless moment for me. I already started crying the time i took photos with him and tho he tries to calm me down he can't do nothing,not much help. I feel the pain,the pain of teaching someone to do something but end up down in the drain. Tapping my head wont give much help just make it worst. The most saddest part that he said would be that "your names will always be remembered for the rest of my life". That moment who are you kidding with,i cried like a little baby,just couldnt help myself. He actually almost cried but a tough army like him wont cry FOR SURE!
So,basically that was the thing that happened on the day where we thought suppose to be the most honourable and remembered day tho it will be remembered esp the one where the flag can't be raised down(it was technical problem to be honest). So again I felt that it was appropriate for me to apologize to them lots of lots of time. May our trainer Pak Rohman, Pak Hanafi, Pak Ayep and Pak Bayu forgive us.
-crash and burn-
paskibra 2009
As all the Indonesian ppl knw,on the 17th of August is the day where all Indonesian will feel proud with how they achieve their independence because on that day it is Indonesian Independence Day. To start the story,let me describe about the nite before the big day...
All of us(paskibra unit)are having sumwhat like slumber party as we are trying to avoid lateness n etc,so we decided to crash at the ambassy's house. We are trying so hard to sleep but to be honest we are helplessly successful in doing that. This year,paskibra unit are conclusive of young teenagers and matured teens. The young teens here couldn't sleep at all. They constantly wake up so ended up they laugh and play all nite long,not having sleep at all. From this moment i know some of this brats are going to create some havoc during the Big Day and my instinct was right. Although my fren and I myself are having that problem we are trying our best to sleep tho.
When the Big Day rises it sunshine everybody was already ready to set the day and make it a major history for our ownself and for the KJRI Penang also. Few of those paskibra unit who didn't join the sleep over came just in time to make up themself and be prepared....and here it goes.
The time has come for us to go out to the battlefield and used all the strategy that was trained to us by our most beloved trainers where they teaches us with patient and sweat. We make a heading to the battlefield with fast heartbeating,nervousness and stomachache. It was not to hot nor cold,just nice weather. Its time for us to make a move after one of our most beloved trainer who are leading the opening day entered the field. We make quite a good move first and i was happy and proud for a second. I was very nervous to take the honoured flag but i bravely take it with dignity and honour tho to be honest i am a Malaysian(im semi Malaysia & Indonesia, hehe). After we reach to the pole its time for me to give the honoured flag to my comrade who has been practicing not to laugh when giving the flag. Suddenly...i heard one of the comrade saying the name of one of the sick comrade and i was kinda worried at that time and my restlessness strikes my head. I know for a second that someone is going to faint and she does. Luckily she was being helped before she flat out on the field. But it makes me sad a bit to be honest. We continue everything and at that time everything went well. We went back to our 1st base where we landed our feet in the battlefield itself. When i thought everything is going to be ok something went wrong again. I heard a hard thump behind my line and at that time i know for sure one more person has lost the battle and the person who lost the battle is the person whom i had advised the nite before the Big Day to go get some rest. I was frustrated at that time,somemore listening to what those TKI was talking about us. Beside fainting nothing gone wrong during the raising the honoured flag moment.
Now the most saddest part came....
Its the time where we suppose to raised down the honoured flag and bring it back to its resting place and honoured it for the last time. It was a bit touché a bit because on that evening it was raining and our battlefield has become like an ugly football field or less worst than a padi field. We was informed that we are having a special guess from Aceh and we really have to make KJRI Penang feel proud by showing this guess what we have been trained for all this while. We make a footing at the same base like morning and waiting for another beloved trainer to enter the field and lead us. He came in and we are prepared,no more fainting this time we said. Everything went quite well first and then the 1st disaster started...One of our comrade shoes lose out coz it has been stepped by one of the comrade behing her,accidentally stepped and she stopped for a while to insert her leg inside her shoes back. I almost laugh but more to feel frustrate a bit. And its time to raise down the honoured flag and again when everything was supposed to be smooth sailing something went wrong. This time its the worst of all when the flag we are raising down can't be raised down! That is the worst of all!!! I considered myself as dead at that time. The song already half way and i can see my comrade are struggling to raised down the flag but they can't. I pity them a lot coz we are part of the team and whatever happened to one of the comrade the whole unit can feel it too. Then our most beloved trainer/leader for the closing ceremony came out and saved the day where at that time we can already see and feel how frustrated he is with all of us. We go back to the base hoping everything went well but again our marching are not the same a.k.a legs. This is due to our own fault.
After all finish,we are called to gathered around and was approached by the beloved trainer who saved our day and he scolded us and i think among all the words he said,the saddest would be the time he said "all the training we have been through was useless". I think that is the time where i can really feel how frustrated he is with the unit. He then leave us just like that,i guess he was just trying to calm himself down coz we know he usually not like that kind of person. Then we were called again by another beloved trainer where he gave us some +ve words to sooth our feelings a bit after we had lost the 'war' just now. At that time one of my comrade already cried and it tears me a bit. We all then shake hands with the beloved trainer and moved on to the field again as its time to take photos. Before photo moments we were approached by the most beloved trainer who really gave us lots of positive words tho we already know it has no effect at all to us. After photo moment we were called by beloved trainer who saved the day and he looks a bit calm down at that time. He then ask us to sit down and cool down for a sec and its time for him to have some slow talk with us. It was at that time most of the paskibra unit cried when he talks coz we know we really dissapoint him,somemore this year and this month was his last month in Penang,Malaysia. I tried my best not to cry but it was a helpless moment for me. I already started crying the time i took photos with him and tho he tries to calm me down he can't do nothing,not much help. I feel the pain,the pain of teaching someone to do something but end up down in the drain. Tapping my head wont give much help just make it worst. The most saddest part that he said would be that "your names will always be remembered for the rest of my life". That moment who are you kidding with,i cried like a little baby,just couldnt help myself. He actually almost cried but a tough army like him wont cry FOR SURE!
So,basically that was the thing that happened on the day where we thought suppose to be the most honourable and remembered day tho it will be remembered esp the one where the flag can't be raised down(it was technical problem to be honest). So again I felt that it was appropriate for me to apologize to them lots of lots of time. May our trainer Pak Rohman, Pak Hanafi, Pak Ayep and Pak Bayu forgive us.
-crash and burn-
paskibra 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Chronicles of the Peridot
Empty bottle Empty space
Where it goes it can't be trace
The wind chime the bells of trees
And it echoes through the air
Breathing the ocean
Listening to the song of the shore,
The sun strikes thee
Nor love or loathe
Just plain empty space,
Floating like a zombie
Did not realize the tornado inside
It spins not knowing when to stop
It tries not to be pointless,
The final spin land its burden
Clearing the air of dust
With a bit of lust
Listening to the cupid sing
Trying to find the cupid's arrow
Lost it in its shadow,
Never gives up Never surrender
Determination of the peridot will rule them all.
Where it goes it can't be trace
The wind chime the bells of trees
And it echoes through the air
Breathing the ocean
Listening to the song of the shore,
The sun strikes thee
Nor love or loathe
Just plain empty space,
Floating like a zombie
Did not realize the tornado inside
It spins not knowing when to stop
It tries not to be pointless,
The final spin land its burden
Clearing the air of dust
With a bit of lust
Listening to the cupid sing
Trying to find the cupid's arrow
Lost it in its shadow,
Never gives up Never surrender
Determination of the peridot will rule them all.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
What's future?
what lies ahead we will never know
we can predict
but how far can it goes?
does future always hurt us?
does future satisfy our mind?
if i can see the future
it will be for the better,
change it from worse to good
refine it in a positive way
to make myself and others feel better.
we can predict
but how far can it goes?
does future always hurt us?
does future satisfy our mind?
if i can see the future
it will be for the better,
change it from worse to good
refine it in a positive way
to make myself and others feel better.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Being a Leo
There are few things that excites me this week. It can be about friendship,adventure and it also can be about finding the truth about our ownself,the innerself. Sometimes i find that it is important that we understand our basic nature and it needs so that we can excel in anything that we do. There are few things that i learned within this few weeks and it really helps me to understand myself much more clearer and i began to try to evaluate myself from all aspects. There are few things about Leo that i find through internet that i think is quite fascinating and i just wanna share it here. All the info that was here can be said to have been copied from other site. I just copy and paste coz i find it to be quite accurate.
Your element: Fire
Your ruling planets: The Sun
Symbol: The Lion
Your stone: Peridot
Life Pursuit: To lead the way
Vibration: Radiant Energy
Leo's Secret Desire: To be a star
Love triumphs over all for this sign, which is ruled by the heart and operates from this dimension too. Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour.
Once a Lion is committed to a relationship, they are totally devoted and faithful. Should their heart or trust be broken they never forgive or forget. When a relationship breaks down (even a long standing one) they can disappear into the sunset without a backward look. Leos can cut ties, and leave others heartbroken, but usually there is a good reason why they have broken a tryst. For a Leo, when a relationship is over, really over, it is over for good.
There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leos. The highest is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their years and great teachers to others. The second is the Lion, King of the Jungle, ruled by ego but always protective and sustaining of those they love. The last is the Lion Cub, immature and undeveloped, frightened by anything new. These Leos cling to others (in the mode of the child not wanting to leave its mother's side).) They can't bear to be alone.
No matter what level they have attained, all Leos are trendsetters, leaders and adventurers. Their weakness is their pride. This is one sign where the saying "flattery will get you everything" applies, but be warned criticism will slam the relationship door right in your face.

There's this stone dat was said to be a good gem stone for the Leo:
The August Birth Stone is peridot, a gem formed from volcanic activity. It is also found inside meteorites, and its overall composition is the same as the Earth's mantle, showing this mineral as an ever-present and integral part of nature.
Peridot is a mineral that is strongly connected with the forces of nature and it's vitalizing energy. Indeed, since the Earth largely consists of peridot (in the form of Olivine), holding peridot can help you connect with the vibrations of the Earth. The holder of peridot can connect with the forces of nature more easily.
Peridot is one of the most beneficial stones for increasing self-confidence. Since it provides the holder with increased connection to nature, your understanding of being a part of the oneness of nature becomes clear, and confidence comes naturally when you deeply understand that you are part of the same oneness as ever great person who has ever lived, and every great thing that exists in this world.
Because of the yellow-greenish color of this gem stone, it is associated with the healing of the liver. Though to me this seems like an arbitrary association made that's not based in real experience.
Those who wish to increase their awareness and connection with the greater oneness will find the birth peridot stone beneficial.
Your element: Fire
Your ruling planets: The Sun
Symbol: The Lion
Your stone: Peridot
Life Pursuit: To lead the way
Vibration: Radiant Energy
Leo's Secret Desire: To be a star
Love triumphs over all for this sign, which is ruled by the heart and operates from this dimension too. Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour.
Once a Lion is committed to a relationship, they are totally devoted and faithful. Should their heart or trust be broken they never forgive or forget. When a relationship breaks down (even a long standing one) they can disappear into the sunset without a backward look. Leos can cut ties, and leave others heartbroken, but usually there is a good reason why they have broken a tryst. For a Leo, when a relationship is over, really over, it is over for good.
There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leos. The highest is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their years and great teachers to others. The second is the Lion, King of the Jungle, ruled by ego but always protective and sustaining of those they love. The last is the Lion Cub, immature and undeveloped, frightened by anything new. These Leos cling to others (in the mode of the child not wanting to leave its mother's side).) They can't bear to be alone.
No matter what level they have attained, all Leos are trendsetters, leaders and adventurers. Their weakness is their pride. This is one sign where the saying "flattery will get you everything" applies, but be warned criticism will slam the relationship door right in your face.

There's this stone dat was said to be a good gem stone for the Leo:
The August Birth Stone is peridot, a gem formed from volcanic activity. It is also found inside meteorites, and its overall composition is the same as the Earth's mantle, showing this mineral as an ever-present and integral part of nature.
Peridot is a mineral that is strongly connected with the forces of nature and it's vitalizing energy. Indeed, since the Earth largely consists of peridot (in the form of Olivine), holding peridot can help you connect with the vibrations of the Earth. The holder of peridot can connect with the forces of nature more easily.
Peridot is one of the most beneficial stones for increasing self-confidence. Since it provides the holder with increased connection to nature, your understanding of being a part of the oneness of nature becomes clear, and confidence comes naturally when you deeply understand that you are part of the same oneness as ever great person who has ever lived, and every great thing that exists in this world.
Because of the yellow-greenish color of this gem stone, it is associated with the healing of the liver. Though to me this seems like an arbitrary association made that's not based in real experience.
Those who wish to increase their awareness and connection with the greater oneness will find the birth peridot stone beneficial.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Roof
Drip drip drip
Tap tap tap
It hits on my roof
That is the sound of the rain
In the early morning
It shed tears so hard
That I can feel the pain and sadness it goes through
Like a maiden heart being torn apart
Like a maiden being cheated
Like death invite their clan
It stop telling its heartsick
Tried to cheer up itself
Shining through the still tears
But then fade away again
Feels like I can feel what it tries to say
But want to ignore it
Feelings tend to cloud reason
Thought its already dawn but its the noon
All day all time dawn is here
Never leave us
Till dawn is really with us.
Cloud shedding it tears again
The song echoes again
Drip drip drip
Tap tap tap
And it continue till the end.
Tap tap tap
It hits on my roof
That is the sound of the rain
In the early morning
It shed tears so hard
That I can feel the pain and sadness it goes through
Like a maiden heart being torn apart
Like a maiden being cheated
Like death invite their clan
It stop telling its heartsick
Tried to cheer up itself
Shining through the still tears
But then fade away again
Feels like I can feel what it tries to say
But want to ignore it
Feelings tend to cloud reason
Thought its already dawn but its the noon
All day all time dawn is here
Never leave us
Till dawn is really with us.
Cloud shedding it tears again
The song echoes again
Drip drip drip
Tap tap tap
And it continue till the end.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Puisi Rangga
Aku lari ke hutan, kemudian menyanyiku
Aku lari ke pantai, kemudian teriakku
Sepi... Sepi dan sendiri aku benci.
Aku ingin bingar. Aku mau di pasar.
Bosan aku dengan penat,
dan enyah saja kau, pekat!
Seperti berjelaga jika aku sendiri
Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
Ahh.. ada malaikat menyulam jaring laba-laba belang
di tembok keraton putih
Kenapa tak goyangkan saja loncengnya?
Biar terderah,
atau... aku harus lari ke hutan belok ke pantai?
Aku lari ke pantai, kemudian teriakku
Sepi... Sepi dan sendiri aku benci.
Aku ingin bingar. Aku mau di pasar.
Bosan aku dengan penat,
dan enyah saja kau, pekat!
Seperti berjelaga jika aku sendiri
Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
Ahh.. ada malaikat menyulam jaring laba-laba belang
di tembok keraton putih
Kenapa tak goyangkan saja loncengnya?
Biar terderah,
atau... aku harus lari ke hutan belok ke pantai?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Empty mind, Empty soul, Empty heart
This is what I feel right now and I feel so bad bcoz I can't do anything right and the worst is that I can't right about the UEFA under 21 game between Germany v Finland that I watched yesterday. I have all the information that I want to right down here in my paper but I am just not sure how to begin it and it just doesn't feel right. Everything seems to be wrong and even when I'm writing this I can still feel the uneasy feeling or should I say an empty feeling throughout my body.
I enjoyed really much watching the game yesterday between my fav team Germany and Finland. I watched the game quite late and at that time it was already in minute 40 and I thought the game is going to be another boring game that I have to go through again for another morning. But it turned out to be a very interesting game,probably because Germany is my favourite team.
For me,the first half was just like a warming session between those two teams bcoz they played as if they are trying to dig some secrets of their opponent.There are few attempts made by those two teams and it was a good effort but not good enough to score a goal. There are few saves also from Finland goalkeeper,Jaakkola.But the one which was so obvious would be the endless yellowcard given to both teams.
The second half was much more better where we can finally saw 2 goals by Germany where it was first shot on minute 59 by Howedes and the second one came from Dejagah where he scored the goal during minute 61,two minutes after the first goal.I can also see few efforts made by both team like tactical attempt and the most obvious one would be passing attempt.Since they are still considered as a rookie(although can't say so)they got a few good attempts but most of it are such a failure.The most funny part would be this one Finnish player by the name of Kokko who entered the field replacing one of his comrade and he was given a yellow card just one minute after he entered the field!It was the most hilarious moment for me,pity him!
PS:saw on the Carlsberg board saying "Non-alcoholic"....what was that suppose to mean??I thought Carlsberg in the first place considered as an alcohol drinks...haha!
I enjoyed really much watching the game yesterday between my fav team Germany and Finland. I watched the game quite late and at that time it was already in minute 40 and I thought the game is going to be another boring game that I have to go through again for another morning. But it turned out to be a very interesting game,probably because Germany is my favourite team.
For me,the first half was just like a warming session between those two teams bcoz they played as if they are trying to dig some secrets of their opponent.There are few attempts made by those two teams and it was a good effort but not good enough to score a goal. There are few saves also from Finland goalkeeper,Jaakkola.But the one which was so obvious would be the endless yellowcard given to both teams.
The second half was much more better where we can finally saw 2 goals by Germany where it was first shot on minute 59 by Howedes and the second one came from Dejagah where he scored the goal during minute 61,two minutes after the first goal.I can also see few efforts made by both team like tactical attempt and the most obvious one would be passing attempt.Since they are still considered as a rookie(although can't say so)they got a few good attempts but most of it are such a failure.The most funny part would be this one Finnish player by the name of Kokko who entered the field replacing one of his comrade and he was given a yellow card just one minute after he entered the field!It was the most hilarious moment for me,pity him!
PS:saw on the Carlsberg board saying "Non-alcoholic"....what was that suppose to mean??I thought Carlsberg in the first place considered as an alcohol drinks...haha!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What pissed you off today?
Let see,there are few things that pisses me off today tho that mostly can be directed on the road(referring to road drivers). There are certain rules it seems dat the gov invented and implement to us dat seems to be so logic that ppl stil dont want to follow it until today. Im going to lay out few things that i've seen and im experiencing today as a road users.
1st pissed off moment :
When you are driving quite fast in a fast lane and eventually everyone who was in sense of driving fast was at the front of you its fun thing. If they were behind you it will just pushed ur ego and added up your adrenaline to push your car faster. But when everyone was in that mood and that includes the lorry,you will eventually be pissed when suddenly the car seems to be slowed down by sumthing. In your mind you already started swearing the cause of the slowness or you will just think that there might be some acceptable reason for the cause of the slow traffic like there's been an accident or there's a roadblock. But it will really pissed off yourself and your mind when you know that the cause of all that was that there was a very very slow car who change the lane from left to right lane and slowed down the car,very very slow. The only way for those impatient and the fast adrenaline ppl is to change the lane and cut back to right. But how if the left lane also was as slow as the right lane? Man!It will make me so angry especially if im in a hurry mood at that time. Ppl give lights as a sign for you to move aside but they still din get it,maybe they can't see it coz its day light. Ok...we try different way,honking them,they still din change their lane...ok...@#$@&#@!!!
2nd pissed off moment :
Your facing a long traffic,queing up to go left,to join in the main road and from the main road there are certain ppl that will be going to the left rather than just go straight. What should we do in those kind of situation if we,who are in the main road itself wanna turn left while seeing the long que from that left to go to the main road? The answer if that you should give signal. I pity those fella today that i seen on the road who already waited patiently to go to the main road while waiting patiently for this particular car that like to Kompress ppl with their look and brand. This particular driver was not even concern bout other ppl who has waited for him to pass by in front of them but it turned out that he go left.OMG!
3rd pissed off moment :
The reason why our car was equipt will all those accessories like honk and signals came with few good reasons and it was meant to be use for certain moment. To be honest, i just wanna advise road users to use all that accessories wisely...Use signals when you really wanna turn into that turn not give signals for the next 2 turn,too early! Give signals when you wanna turn and dun simply barge in making other ppl got shocked or break suddenly. Give signals if you're in a situation like mention above(the 2nd pissed off moment). Honks when necessary and not simply coz u wanna just wanna make ppl shocked with your LOUD honk. Honk in a friendly way is encourage to let ppl knw when they are driving in a reckless way or just wanna make them aware that you are cutting them or on their blindspot spot. Honk those ppl who really dun understand the meaning of 'right lane is for those who wanna go fast'.
So...if we as a user try to avoid doing all these three pissed off moment,we will have a bunch of happy drivers driving around the city without having to wrinkle out our face everyday...
Happy Driving!
1st pissed off moment :
When you are driving quite fast in a fast lane and eventually everyone who was in sense of driving fast was at the front of you its fun thing. If they were behind you it will just pushed ur ego and added up your adrenaline to push your car faster. But when everyone was in that mood and that includes the lorry,you will eventually be pissed when suddenly the car seems to be slowed down by sumthing. In your mind you already started swearing the cause of the slowness or you will just think that there might be some acceptable reason for the cause of the slow traffic like there's been an accident or there's a roadblock. But it will really pissed off yourself and your mind when you know that the cause of all that was that there was a very very slow car who change the lane from left to right lane and slowed down the car,very very slow. The only way for those impatient and the fast adrenaline ppl is to change the lane and cut back to right. But how if the left lane also was as slow as the right lane? Man!It will make me so angry especially if im in a hurry mood at that time. Ppl give lights as a sign for you to move aside but they still din get it,maybe they can't see it coz its day light. Ok...we try different way,honking them,they still din change their lane...ok...@#$@&#@!!!
2nd pissed off moment :
Your facing a long traffic,queing up to go left,to join in the main road and from the main road there are certain ppl that will be going to the left rather than just go straight. What should we do in those kind of situation if we,who are in the main road itself wanna turn left while seeing the long que from that left to go to the main road? The answer if that you should give signal. I pity those fella today that i seen on the road who already waited patiently to go to the main road while waiting patiently for this particular car that like to Kompress ppl with their look and brand. This particular driver was not even concern bout other ppl who has waited for him to pass by in front of them but it turned out that he go left.OMG!
3rd pissed off moment :
The reason why our car was equipt will all those accessories like honk and signals came with few good reasons and it was meant to be use for certain moment. To be honest, i just wanna advise road users to use all that accessories wisely...Use signals when you really wanna turn into that turn not give signals for the next 2 turn,too early! Give signals when you wanna turn and dun simply barge in making other ppl got shocked or break suddenly. Give signals if you're in a situation like mention above(the 2nd pissed off moment). Honks when necessary and not simply coz u wanna just wanna make ppl shocked with your LOUD honk. Honk in a friendly way is encourage to let ppl knw when they are driving in a reckless way or just wanna make them aware that you are cutting them or on their blindspot spot. Honk those ppl who really dun understand the meaning of 'right lane is for those who wanna go fast'.
So...if we as a user try to avoid doing all these three pissed off moment,we will have a bunch of happy drivers driving around the city without having to wrinkle out our face everyday...
Happy Driving!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
When beloved becoming unbeloved
Saying love makes you melted for him,
Saying love makes you think of him,
Saying love makes you go crazy for him,
Saying love makes you not yourself.
Fighting for love makes you proud,
Fighting for love shows your love,
Fighting for love makes you who you are.
Winning your love give you a trophy,
Taking care of your love give you wings,
Loving your lover sealed your love door,
Happiness shows you heaven door.
Losing the love crash your wall,
Losing the trust broke your wings,
Losing the love make you cry,
Losing the trust gives you heart broken.
-sorry seems to be the hardest word-
Saying love makes you think of him,
Saying love makes you go crazy for him,
Saying love makes you not yourself.
Fighting for love makes you proud,
Fighting for love shows your love,
Fighting for love makes you who you are.
Winning your love give you a trophy,
Taking care of your love give you wings,
Loving your lover sealed your love door,
Happiness shows you heaven door.
Losing the love crash your wall,
Losing the trust broke your wings,
Losing the love make you cry,
Losing the trust gives you heart broken.
-sorry seems to be the hardest word-
Monday, April 6, 2009
Forget Me Forget Me Not
You know how girls sometimes tend to wish that their boyfriend will not be calling them all the times and rather just message?? Well,I am one of the girl that had such wish last time and really really hope that my boyfriend will not be calling me all the time. I am the kind of person who is not so good in talking on the phone as i tend up to be silent for quite sometime if Im out of idea for conversation. But now I guess time change everything and my wish right now is that my boyfriend will call me at least twice or three times in a week.
The problems I am having right now is kinda weird and I'm not sure how to express it to anyone or even to him as I already tried it last time but end up to be another failure. Touché to myself as right now Im having a boyfriend who end up not calling me at all within the week or almost a week(i couldn't remember already as he rarely called me)and not even send me a simple message asking what am I doing or whether I have taken my breakfast,lunch or dinner & etc. I am not asking too much from him but it's enough for me if he just inform me or update me with his condition or just share with me any problems.
This week I tried to ignore the fact that myself was being ignored by my boyfriend but it doesn't seem right. I tried and it works if i workload myself with a bunch of work which will make myself become so busy that I could not even know what day is it today. I have tried calling him just now but there was no answer and all this time if I called him he never pick up his phone once,unless he is in the state im staying,then only he will message me and pick up my call. Don't you think it's kinda weird when your boyfriend acting like that???
Sometimes I'm quite curious with his behaviour but I try not to be curious,jealous and think of something which might probably not true. I tried already and the situation can be said to be tougher than what I expected. This is the guy that I have the feelings that he is the one for me and the one person I will end up spending my lifetime with and he is treating me in this way...touché again to myself. The one hypothetical situation that Im scared would be that he is cheating on me behind my back and cleverly and calmly covering himself up and pretend like he is being super loyal to me when in fact he was actually having another girl with him. Oh goodness! Just talking about it has already make me having such a bad stomachache and give me goosebump. But one thing for sure, if he is really cheating on me I wanna catch him red handed,my ownself! I wanna see his reaction upon being caught lying in front of me.
-the unforgiven-
The problems I am having right now is kinda weird and I'm not sure how to express it to anyone or even to him as I already tried it last time but end up to be another failure. Touché to myself as right now Im having a boyfriend who end up not calling me at all within the week or almost a week(i couldn't remember already as he rarely called me)and not even send me a simple message asking what am I doing or whether I have taken my breakfast,lunch or dinner & etc. I am not asking too much from him but it's enough for me if he just inform me or update me with his condition or just share with me any problems.
This week I tried to ignore the fact that myself was being ignored by my boyfriend but it doesn't seem right. I tried and it works if i workload myself with a bunch of work which will make myself become so busy that I could not even know what day is it today. I have tried calling him just now but there was no answer and all this time if I called him he never pick up his phone once,unless he is in the state im staying,then only he will message me and pick up my call. Don't you think it's kinda weird when your boyfriend acting like that???
Sometimes I'm quite curious with his behaviour but I try not to be curious,jealous and think of something which might probably not true. I tried already and the situation can be said to be tougher than what I expected. This is the guy that I have the feelings that he is the one for me and the one person I will end up spending my lifetime with and he is treating me in this way...touché again to myself. The one hypothetical situation that Im scared would be that he is cheating on me behind my back and cleverly and calmly covering himself up and pretend like he is being super loyal to me when in fact he was actually having another girl with him. Oh goodness! Just talking about it has already make me having such a bad stomachache and give me goosebump. But one thing for sure, if he is really cheating on me I wanna catch him red handed,my ownself! I wanna see his reaction upon being caught lying in front of me.
-the unforgiven-
Sunday, April 5, 2009
F1 race - Malaysian Grand Prix
What a race today and there is no other words that can best described today's race than a 'Wet Thunder Race'! It was an awesome drive by few drivers and the condition today was the one that will be most talked about and lots of other surprises was seen today. I will go through the story step by step.
First, the race started with Jenson Button(Brawn) leading the starting grid followed by Jarno Trulli(Toyota), Timo Glock(Toyota), Nico Rosberg(Williams), Mark Webber(Red Bull) and Robert Kubica(BMW Sauber). The starting point started quite fantastic when Rosberg started the race with some quite excitement when he cut through beside Trulli who started later than Rosberg himself. Button at that time who was busy defending his place from Trulli finally realize that the one person that he should have looked out would be Rosberg rather than Trulli.
Then the race continued as usual but not for Kubica who was having problem himself with the car when it was left out at the starting grid due to some engine problem which he had complained even before the race started. His teammate however manage to continue with the race without having any problems. What Kubica worried about actually came true when he has to stop as his engine was caught on fire and he ended his race during the second round. It was not after all the race that Kubica was willing to look into.
Rosberg eventually take the lead from Button who was now behind Trulli on the third place. The pace of the car was getting quicker and quicker as at the same time all the team was running away and was hoping that the storm would not eventually hit the circuit but was expecting it to come as the dark clouds were moving towards Sepang circuit.
Along the race we could see stratergy from different team when it comes to pitstop. During half of the race, all the engineer had already warned their drivers that heavy rain will be coming ahead and they will now need to prepare to pit at any time. Ferrari took a very courageous or daring move when they become the first team that ever put on the super wet tyre on their vehicles. It was after all not a smart move and eventually it effects the performance of the team and the tyre was worned out faster than they had thought. The rain that was expected had not poured yet and along the way we can see the other team had already started to put on their wet tyres. Among all the team, there was only one more team that was still using their inter tyres rather than changing to wet tyres and that team would be Toyota and to be more specific it would be Timo Glock who was still running with the inter tyres rather than wet tyres.
After seeing that the weather was not in favour with the wet tyres but rather siding more toward the inter tyres which was used by Timo, Button quickly make a move by changing his inter tyres back for him to beat Timo and to re-collect his first position and to allow him to speed faster. His move comes in handy as it works and he manage to stay on a good pace ensuring his first position. But not long after Button change his tyres, the rain started to pour and Heidfeld who was instructed by his engineer to pit and change the tyres refused to do that as he was willing to take the risk by sticking with the almost worned out wet tyres and his move was a brilliant move. It was after that that the rain started to pour heavily and eventually the race had to be stopped due to safety reason.
At the end,it was Jenson Button who won the race, second place goes to Nick Heidfeld and the third goes to Timo Glock who was hoping that his third position will not be taken off by the FIA. At first Timo's engineer has told him that he was on P1 so he decided to go easy on the tyres but then he saw Jenson coming out in front of him and after that he realised that he was P2. Then, after he got out from the car and headed to the podium dock he was told that he was now P3. Timo said during the post press conference that he hoped and pray that he will still be in P3 the time he goes back to the garage.
Cant wait for the next race in Shanghai!!!!
First, the race started with Jenson Button(Brawn) leading the starting grid followed by Jarno Trulli(Toyota), Timo Glock(Toyota), Nico Rosberg(Williams), Mark Webber(Red Bull) and Robert Kubica(BMW Sauber). The starting point started quite fantastic when Rosberg started the race with some quite excitement when he cut through beside Trulli who started later than Rosberg himself. Button at that time who was busy defending his place from Trulli finally realize that the one person that he should have looked out would be Rosberg rather than Trulli.
Then the race continued as usual but not for Kubica who was having problem himself with the car when it was left out at the starting grid due to some engine problem which he had complained even before the race started. His teammate however manage to continue with the race without having any problems. What Kubica worried about actually came true when he has to stop as his engine was caught on fire and he ended his race during the second round. It was not after all the race that Kubica was willing to look into.
Rosberg eventually take the lead from Button who was now behind Trulli on the third place. The pace of the car was getting quicker and quicker as at the same time all the team was running away and was hoping that the storm would not eventually hit the circuit but was expecting it to come as the dark clouds were moving towards Sepang circuit.
Along the race we could see stratergy from different team when it comes to pitstop. During half of the race, all the engineer had already warned their drivers that heavy rain will be coming ahead and they will now need to prepare to pit at any time. Ferrari took a very courageous or daring move when they become the first team that ever put on the super wet tyre on their vehicles. It was after all not a smart move and eventually it effects the performance of the team and the tyre was worned out faster than they had thought. The rain that was expected had not poured yet and along the way we can see the other team had already started to put on their wet tyres. Among all the team, there was only one more team that was still using their inter tyres rather than changing to wet tyres and that team would be Toyota and to be more specific it would be Timo Glock who was still running with the inter tyres rather than wet tyres.
After seeing that the weather was not in favour with the wet tyres but rather siding more toward the inter tyres which was used by Timo, Button quickly make a move by changing his inter tyres back for him to beat Timo and to re-collect his first position and to allow him to speed faster. His move comes in handy as it works and he manage to stay on a good pace ensuring his first position. But not long after Button change his tyres, the rain started to pour and Heidfeld who was instructed by his engineer to pit and change the tyres refused to do that as he was willing to take the risk by sticking with the almost worned out wet tyres and his move was a brilliant move. It was after that that the rain started to pour heavily and eventually the race had to be stopped due to safety reason.
At the end,it was Jenson Button who won the race, second place goes to Nick Heidfeld and the third goes to Timo Glock who was hoping that his third position will not be taken off by the FIA. At first Timo's engineer has told him that he was on P1 so he decided to go easy on the tyres but then he saw Jenson coming out in front of him and after that he realised that he was P2. Then, after he got out from the car and headed to the podium dock he was told that he was now P3. Timo said during the post press conference that he hoped and pray that he will still be in P3 the time he goes back to the garage.
Cant wait for the next race in Shanghai!!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sistem Pembelajaran Yang Berbeza
Sistem pembelajaran di setiap negara sangat berbeza dan setiap negara mempraktiskan cara pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang berbeza bagi menyesuaikan dengan masyarakat dan pelajar di negara tersebut. Sewaktu di sekolah rendah dahulu cara pembelajaran yang kita lalui ada yang mungkin berbeza selepas kita memasuki sekolah menengah tetapi ada kalanya tidak terlalu ketara perbezaannya.
Sekolah rendah merupakan waktu girang yang pernah kita alami kerana pada waktu itulah kita belajar mengenal rakan-rakan dan pada fasa tersebut juga merupakan saat di mana kita memulakan langkah mengenal pasti minat terhadap sesuatu yang diajarkan oleh guru-guru kita.
Kemudian, kita melangkah ke sekolah menengah di mana ia merupakan fasa kedua di dalam alam pembelajaran kita di mana kita mula mengorak langkah yang lebih luas untuk memenuhi aspek pengetahuan kita dan mula menyesuaikan diri dan mula mencari sesuatu rentak yang sehati dan sejiwa dengan diri kita. Di sini juga kita mula belajar untuk membuka minda dengan lebih luas dan mula belajar menerima sesuatu perkara yang baru dan berguna sebagai persiapan awal dalam mengorak langkah dan rentak di fasa seterusnya.
Setelah kita menguji kemampuan kita di fasa kedua, kita akan menaiki fasa ketiga di mana kita mula mendapat rentak yang diingini dan yang bisa dijadikan sebahagian daripada hidup dan matlamat dalam diri kita. Kita mula memilih jalan yang dapat membawa kita untuk menggapai impian kita agar kita bisa memenuhi keperluan ataupun kehendak hidup kita yang telah kita rancang semenjak di fasa kedua.
Sewaktu di fasa ketiga inilah kita mula berfikir secara lebih matang dan mula mengenali dan mempelajari lebih banyak perkara baru dan sanggup mengeksplorasi diri kita ke alam yang unik. Di fasa ketiga inilah tempat di mana kita mula memahami segala situasi yang telah dirancang sewaktu di fasa pertama tadi. Segala pembelajaran dari fasa pertama sehingga ketiga dijadikan bekalan bagi menjadikan kita seorang yang berjaya dalam setiap fasa yang telah ditempuhi dalam hidup.
Pengalaman saya sendiri sebagai seorang yang telah mengalami kesemua fasa ini dan pada masa yang sama sedang melalui fasa ketiga amat menakjubkan dan berlainan pengalaman yang saya tempuhi. Sebagai contoh, sewaktu di zaman persekolahan saya tidak mengetahui banyak perkara dan tahap pemikiran kreatif tidak terlalu pintar dan amat sempit dan tidak mampu membukanya dengan lebih luas. Tetapi, setelah memasuki kolej, saya sedar bahawa banyak lagi perkara yang harus saya pelajari dan tempuhi agar saya lebih bersedia menghadapi dunia yang lebih besar dan semakin mencabar ini.
Oleh itu, sekiranya seseorang itu mungkin pada suatu masa dahulu tidak pandai ataupun tergolong dalam golongan cerdik pandai sewaktu di sekolah, tidak semestinya dia tidak boleh berjaya di dalam hidupnya kerana kadangkala disebabkan pengalaman yang lebih luas yang ditempuhi oleh si dia yang tidak berapa pandai berbanding dari si cerdik pandai ini membolehkan dia mempunyai ilmu dunia yang lebih luas dari si cerdik pandai ini. Perkara yang paling penting adalah tidak sama sekali putus asa dan sentiasa berusaha dan sentiasa memaksa diri kita untuk lebih berjaya untuk masa hadapan yang lebih cerah.
Sekolah rendah merupakan waktu girang yang pernah kita alami kerana pada waktu itulah kita belajar mengenal rakan-rakan dan pada fasa tersebut juga merupakan saat di mana kita memulakan langkah mengenal pasti minat terhadap sesuatu yang diajarkan oleh guru-guru kita.
Kemudian, kita melangkah ke sekolah menengah di mana ia merupakan fasa kedua di dalam alam pembelajaran kita di mana kita mula mengorak langkah yang lebih luas untuk memenuhi aspek pengetahuan kita dan mula menyesuaikan diri dan mula mencari sesuatu rentak yang sehati dan sejiwa dengan diri kita. Di sini juga kita mula belajar untuk membuka minda dengan lebih luas dan mula belajar menerima sesuatu perkara yang baru dan berguna sebagai persiapan awal dalam mengorak langkah dan rentak di fasa seterusnya.
Setelah kita menguji kemampuan kita di fasa kedua, kita akan menaiki fasa ketiga di mana kita mula mendapat rentak yang diingini dan yang bisa dijadikan sebahagian daripada hidup dan matlamat dalam diri kita. Kita mula memilih jalan yang dapat membawa kita untuk menggapai impian kita agar kita bisa memenuhi keperluan ataupun kehendak hidup kita yang telah kita rancang semenjak di fasa kedua.
Sewaktu di fasa ketiga inilah kita mula berfikir secara lebih matang dan mula mengenali dan mempelajari lebih banyak perkara baru dan sanggup mengeksplorasi diri kita ke alam yang unik. Di fasa ketiga inilah tempat di mana kita mula memahami segala situasi yang telah dirancang sewaktu di fasa pertama tadi. Segala pembelajaran dari fasa pertama sehingga ketiga dijadikan bekalan bagi menjadikan kita seorang yang berjaya dalam setiap fasa yang telah ditempuhi dalam hidup.
Pengalaman saya sendiri sebagai seorang yang telah mengalami kesemua fasa ini dan pada masa yang sama sedang melalui fasa ketiga amat menakjubkan dan berlainan pengalaman yang saya tempuhi. Sebagai contoh, sewaktu di zaman persekolahan saya tidak mengetahui banyak perkara dan tahap pemikiran kreatif tidak terlalu pintar dan amat sempit dan tidak mampu membukanya dengan lebih luas. Tetapi, setelah memasuki kolej, saya sedar bahawa banyak lagi perkara yang harus saya pelajari dan tempuhi agar saya lebih bersedia menghadapi dunia yang lebih besar dan semakin mencabar ini.
Oleh itu, sekiranya seseorang itu mungkin pada suatu masa dahulu tidak pandai ataupun tergolong dalam golongan cerdik pandai sewaktu di sekolah, tidak semestinya dia tidak boleh berjaya di dalam hidupnya kerana kadangkala disebabkan pengalaman yang lebih luas yang ditempuhi oleh si dia yang tidak berapa pandai berbanding dari si cerdik pandai ini membolehkan dia mempunyai ilmu dunia yang lebih luas dari si cerdik pandai ini. Perkara yang paling penting adalah tidak sama sekali putus asa dan sentiasa berusaha dan sentiasa memaksa diri kita untuk lebih berjaya untuk masa hadapan yang lebih cerah.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Do guys tend to change their view?
This particular question has already in my mind for quite a time but i was not being able to voice it out and now i think i wanna ask this question,well maybe on behalf of other girls also.
All this time, the guys whom i knowed tend to say bad things about a girl that they dont really know and it end up that they will end up with the girl whom they dislike and they had been talking about all this time.
I find it to be very funny and quite entertaining to see they will end up with the person whom they had talked bad things before and finally seeing them together as a couple. Hahaha! I just laugh it out loud and smile everytime I see them.
Because of that im curious,is it that they purposely said things like dat just to deny to their own feelings that they actually like that particular girl,but tried to deny it bcoz all his friend has negative thought or dislike her?? It could be like that and it could be because they will take it as a challenge for them coz as we know guys will like challenges for them to get a girl. They will feel that they had won something if they managed to get the girl which is hard to get.
Well I dunno,it is just my opinion only because just this few days the same thing happened right in front on my eyes. You be the judge and do the judgement on your own.
-Enlightened thinker-
All this time, the guys whom i knowed tend to say bad things about a girl that they dont really know and it end up that they will end up with the girl whom they dislike and they had been talking about all this time.
I find it to be very funny and quite entertaining to see they will end up with the person whom they had talked bad things before and finally seeing them together as a couple. Hahaha! I just laugh it out loud and smile everytime I see them.
Because of that im curious,is it that they purposely said things like dat just to deny to their own feelings that they actually like that particular girl,but tried to deny it bcoz all his friend has negative thought or dislike her?? It could be like that and it could be because they will take it as a challenge for them coz as we know guys will like challenges for them to get a girl. They will feel that they had won something if they managed to get the girl which is hard to get.
Well I dunno,it is just my opinion only because just this few days the same thing happened right in front on my eyes. You be the judge and do the judgement on your own.
-Enlightened thinker-
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Heart Sick
Im very heartsick with everyone around me and really hate them!!my fren in college make me feel worse and they make my mood bcome very bad,worsed than before.i jz dun feel like coming to college next week coz im really really angry with them.i need to go somewhere and relax myself and cool myself down la.wat else i can do to make myself feel calm beside skipping my class????i dunno.
I really wanna runaway to any island beside Penang to relax and calm myself down.I dun wanna loose out my coolness in front of ppl coz dat wud be the most uncool thing i will ever done in my life.
Oh God,im screaming for an island vacation nw!!!!i really wanna take my bag and jz go away!
I really wanna runaway to any island beside Penang to relax and calm myself down.I dun wanna loose out my coolness in front of ppl coz dat wud be the most uncool thing i will ever done in my life.
Oh God,im screaming for an island vacation nw!!!!i really wanna take my bag and jz go away!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
This few days I start thinking about mph again.And I really cant stop thinking about him nw.
Would God actually meet us up again one day? But I wonder,when is it? I've been longing to meet him and really excited if I can meet up with him again. All my love is for him and him alone and there is no other person that can get my love yet,not yet.
But then again I do admit that I got a few crush to a few ppl that I knew but I couldn't tell them about my feelings though. I juz couldn't do that...
Still mph, I will be waiting at the same place every same day hoping that we will meet again one day coz I believe we will meet again someday,soon...
-My Love Is Not A Lie-
Would God actually meet us up again one day? But I wonder,when is it? I've been longing to meet him and really excited if I can meet up with him again. All my love is for him and him alone and there is no other person that can get my love yet,not yet.
But then again I do admit that I got a few crush to a few ppl that I knew but I couldn't tell them about my feelings though. I juz couldn't do that...
Still mph, I will be waiting at the same place every same day hoping that we will meet again one day coz I believe we will meet again someday,soon...
-My Love Is Not A Lie-
Monday, January 5, 2009
Bless me for the Year 2009
I hope this year 2009 will bring some differences for me and changed my life.
I hope God will bless me for the rest of my life and make my 2009 year better.
I hope Angel will pray for me so that i will always be loved by God and forgive me for watever that i have done.
I hope that my family will always be happy.
I hope my friendship with Skylar Amanda Chan and Regina Faith Meh Hui will last forever.
I hope there will be some guidance for me to lead my life.
I hope i will achieve what i want this year.
I hope the war will end.
I hope that people will stop being cruel to each other.
I hope that the economy will be good and balance.
I hope petrol price will remain stable.
I hope lots of ppl will find their happiness this year.
I hope my bad feelings about this year will fade off.
I hope ppl will stop backstabbing.
Lastly,I hope I can meet mph...
-me being sincere-
I hope God will bless me for the rest of my life and make my 2009 year better.
I hope Angel will pray for me so that i will always be loved by God and forgive me for watever that i have done.
I hope that my family will always be happy.
I hope my friendship with Skylar Amanda Chan and Regina Faith Meh Hui will last forever.
I hope there will be some guidance for me to lead my life.
I hope i will achieve what i want this year.
I hope the war will end.
I hope that people will stop being cruel to each other.
I hope that the economy will be good and balance.
I hope petrol price will remain stable.
I hope lots of ppl will find their happiness this year.
I hope my bad feelings about this year will fade off.
I hope ppl will stop backstabbing.
Lastly,I hope I can meet mph...
-me being sincere-
Im a Meanie One!
i just moved to new place and i stayed on the ground floor and in front of my house got one parking slot where 2 cars oso can be slot in there. But the thing is someone who stayed upstairs oledi took over our parking slot. Tho there is no specific name or ownership to that parking slot but i think we deserve it sumore we stayed on the ground floor jz in front of the parking place.
neway,all this time that person who parked at that place will put his old motorbike and parked it at the middle so no one can park it overthere. But today, he didnt do that and i think bcoz he forgot or wat but i saw the place was empty so i decided to do sumthing mean. I snatch the parking slot by putting my car on that slot and proudly laugh once i did that!hahaha!i feel so bad yet i feel satisfied!
neway,all this time that person who parked at that place will put his old motorbike and parked it at the middle so no one can park it overthere. But today, he didnt do that and i think bcoz he forgot or wat but i saw the place was empty so i decided to do sumthing mean. I snatch the parking slot by putting my car on that slot and proudly laugh once i did that!hahaha!i feel so bad yet i feel satisfied!
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