Monday, March 9, 2009

Do guys tend to change their view?

This particular question has already in my mind for quite a time but i was not being able to voice it out and now i think i wanna ask this question,well maybe on behalf of other girls also.

All this time, the guys whom i knowed tend to say bad things about a girl that they dont really know and it end up that they will end up with the girl whom they dislike and they had been talking about all this time.

I find it to be very funny and quite entertaining to see they will end up with the person whom they had talked bad things before and finally seeing them together as a couple. Hahaha! I just laugh it out loud and smile everytime I see them.

Because of that im curious,is it that they purposely said things like dat just to deny to their own feelings that they actually like that particular girl,but tried to deny it bcoz all his friend has negative thought or dislike her?? It could be like that and it could be because they will take it as a challenge for them coz as we know guys will like challenges for them to get a girl. They will feel that they had won something if they managed to get the girl which is hard to get.

Well I dunno,it is just my opinion only because just this few days the same thing happened right in front on my eyes. You be the judge and do the judgement on your own.

-Enlightened thinker-