Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cari Jodoh. Finding Soulmate.

well well well

my mom finally talked about it with me

about what ???

well, about my love life. all i can say is that my mom worried so badly that i will not find a partner. like what she said ...

"remember, your getting older and not old are you now?and there is still no sign of you having any boyfriend or someone special it seems."

there's a reason why she out of a sudden talked about this matter when most of the time she rather kept quiet about it and not discussing about this matter.

it start with a doctor i met at my work place ...

i told mom that early in the morning around 10.45am i met one of the doctor that was supervising me when i was admitted at the general hospital.

*im actually wondering what this doctor was doing at that particular of time at a food court when he was supposed to be at the hospital to treat the patient*

well, then i told her that in the evening i met the same doctor and this time around he brought along another very familiar doctor with him. he was whom that was referred by my mom as 'Dr.Bius' though he was not him.

Dr.Bius was another guy 
 but my mom mistakenly thought he was him. pfftt. told her so many times but she still won't believe me and said i was wrong when she was actually the one that is wrong.

the time when i saw the 'Dr.Bius' i was really hoping that he will be there with him too but too bad he was not there with the doctors ... so sad!

alright,let's proceed with my mom ...

she then told me ...

" 'Dr.Bius' was a very handsome man and i bet the mother in law who have him as their son in law must be proud having him as their daughter's partner"

i knew she was hinting on something but i just ignore her. i kept on telling her that he is not Dr.Bius and then i tested her again about him ...

"since you spotted the wrong Dr.Bius, maybe the person that you thought as he was not him but other person that looks like him.are you sure??"

then mom answered me back with hell of a confidence ...

"YES I'M SURE. definitely the one that i saw at the gynecology a.k.a pakar sakit puan department is him. i am sure. i still remember his face very clearly. i even remembered what he wears on the last day we met him. it's light brown shirt."

then i responded ...

"erm, i thought he was wearing light blue shirt mom. i think you got the wrong person again."


then mom answered me back ...

"he was wearing light brown. i remembered him! he was the one who went ups and down of the hospital just to search for Dr.Lim right?"

wahh, well spotted mom. that is him. then i responded her again ...

"yeah that's him. are you sure that is him? which room did he entered into?"

mom ...

"he entered room no 9 and again YES that was him, NO DOUBT."

so now did you get the story?? that was how all this conversation about finding soulmate started. and it doesn't stop right there. it continues till night when she watched a tv programme about couple that got married at young age.

she kept on looking and smiling towards me everytime they talked about something similar towards my situation. i tried to runaway and i failed.

i even told her that its up to you whether you wanna introduce me to any nice man out there but i said it clearly to her that i prefer to find my soulmate/partner/jodoh my ownself & i don't want my mom to introduce me to any of my brother's friend!

she scolded me and said ...

"but what if your brother's friend is the good man that you're looking for?"

me said ...

"i can't see any of them that fits my criteria and type. sorry mom, it's a No No."

she seems a lil bump out by my statement. but you know what i made it clear to her what i want and im glad i told her that. i just wished that i will have more courage to tell her that i like sum1, the person that you always met but not me and still wondering why its you who always met him and not me.

i totally fell in love with him like how i fell in love with mamat paling handsome last time. these are the two men that i really know that i can confidently said as my Love at First Sight(Site).

i dreamt something about Dr.Teoh last 2 days and it was horrible! the most horrible dream about him and that was the only dream about him and it turned out horribly. 

* oshkoshbgosh - another way of me saying Gosh :P *

still i hope to see him again

those hope will never fade away.