Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Penang Has It All

i live in Penang.

i grew up in Penang.


i love Penang so much!

there are a lot of places that you can visit and do in Penang. basically ...

every place are DIFFERENT!

every food are DELICIOUS!

everyone are SPECIAL & UNIQUE!


well, maybe i am a bit overwhelmed about my Penang but that is what i feel about my beloved state. i can't seem to be far away from the state. 

i don't like KL in a way.

the food sucks & expensive.

but i do have to admit the transportation are kinda good especially LRT & MONORAIL

but good news about Penang is that now Penang transportation are getting better compared to last time. when i say last time i do refer to the old yellow buses and mini buses. but yellow bus or another type called as Hin Bus aint that bad compared to mini bus. that mini bus just suffers you like HELL!

now Rapid Penang are taking over as the main bus transportation. no more mini buses that's for sure. but still seeing a few of the Hin Bus and yellow bus tho.

what i can say about transportation is that it has changed and improve a lot. the buses hub at komtar has really changed and im proud of the improvement made to the place. now all the passanger will be able to estimate the time they should expect the buses to come.

~to be continue~