Saturday, October 2, 2010

Solution or Delusion ?

i know i don't write good stuff and i know i don't possess a good vocabulary or skills in terms of writing and pure expression in english but i still want to write
who cares right!

it's my blog, my english, my stuff.
hmm...why did i start my blog with these kind of stuff??i guess i just realise there are people from other countries who can read my blog.

(saying to ownself , "Stupid")

now now ... its been a busy day for me these few days or shall i say weeks. i have to arrange few university stuff, find real work (seriously real ya) & managing my study stuff. it is tiring and i still can't get the hang of it especially the studying part but i have to force myself from....from NOW ON.
now i am currently working as a temp and only work in the evening hours till the latest around 7.30 or 8.00pm. 

the good thing about this work is that i don't have to use mind while im working but i only have to use my hand skills a.k.a type and do work as fast as i can but without doing any errors. but the thing is .... i just found out that i had done few errors and it was published! now everyone know if i made a mistake.
but i try not to do it next time tho. my typing has gone real slow now, real slowwww and it frustrates me the hell. does frustrates me.

but nothing actually frustrate me the most than TRAFFIC JAM. due to the massive traffic jam on one of the usual road i use, i was late for work. sumore i was supposed to come early to impress my boss and get hired as permanent staff.pffffttt.
so much for good records.

the very next day i tried another road as an alternative. im sick and tired of being toyed around by that usual road that i used. so, being dissapointed and annoyed by the road i use a different road. a highway!
well, at first i thought that i can reach early today at work as im using a highway. i laughed at the road i usually used,synically.

it went smooth sailing tho at first but then it gets ugly when the rain poured so hard that even the looking distance had become so short. but manage to handle it. the one that worries me now would be the traffic at this particular place im heading too.
previously,using the main road i usually used,i still have to make a big u turn at a hotel near the conjested area that im worried now when i used the highway. 

another 3km before i reach the conjested area a.k.a St.Xaviers Institutions Penang, i can see that the traffic already become conjested.pfffttt again.but lucky the traffic is still moving. 

my eyes has only two place to look onto, the road and my watch. there is nothing more for me to worry the most than coming in late for the second time.i don't want that to happend!!!
lucky i manage to squeze in among all those cars...i was very fortunate i manage to do that :P

i reach the parking place i usually parked my car.i was at the car park on time,1pm.darn!now i have to make a run again to my work place so that i will not late even for few minutes.

it was drizzling and im quite lazy to use my i just run.lucky again that the road users gv a way so that i can cross the street.usually they don't but i think coz it's raining they are more cautious and slowed down their cars.thank God again.
i rang the door bell of my work place and immediately eyeing the clock at the office.i was late 5mins.dang.

the main story or the thing i am trying to address in my story would be that, i wish that ...

1. there can be for real, cars that has multi function or at least 2 function, on the road mode and flying mode. it would be so much easier and faster to reach work place :P

well,i like this car has the shape & the style to be a flying car.

2. there can be for real, a teleport power or machine. in case of emergency it do help us. it should be a bit pricey but if you need to be at some place ASAP you wouldn't mind to spend more ^_^

3. there is for real a superbike and i wished that i could have one and could ride it. having a friend like rossi would be such a big big help ;)

" come i send you to your office "

4. well, i wished that Penang had their own lane for bicycle and motorcycle although i did realise there are few place,few place,that serve the purpose im requesting to.


i guess that's all folks!

that is all that i want. although hardly the first three can come for real, i still wished for that.

eh eh, wait for a second. i just remembered something. if im not mistaken Japan had already develop such car like what i wished for,that can fly. well hope it can really be produced and sell.