Monday, October 25, 2010

No Title

i don't think there should be any title for my blog this time. it such a waste of time to think what title should i put. it took a very long time and i decided No Title shud be the best.

today i had my medical check up routine at GH. appointment on my card stated 10am as the time but im still at home and the time was already 9.50am. so basically im gonna be late but it's ok. it doesn't matter coz at the end i still have to wait.

i reached GH around 10.20am. i drop my card at the appointment box. weird, today there's not many people there as usual...

but still i had to wait tho.
after 10minutes they called my name

"Aidilia Bt Kadiran"
*flip flap flip flap*

*srek srek srek*
"here's your receipt"

*rm5 given for the payment*

searching for a seat. found a spot. a nice one. but surrounded by elderly,pffft.

eyes stared on the tv dat was turned on and was glad looking at it coz they're showing Detective Conan! 

i looked again at my waiting number and the room i was supposed to enter. it was stated there ...

*Room 3, 32*

ok. then i glance through for the room and saw it. a bit stunned but cared less about it as it seems quite normal already ...

*Room 3, 9*

i heard a commotion beside me. they (the elderly) were complaining about the time it took for those number to actually change. i heard one gentleman said  ...

"for the number to change to the current number 9 it took 1 hour. how long can it be before its my number??"

another gentleman said ...

"i think if go for a cup of coffee by the time i came back they should already called my name. im going now.see you later"

and you know what, even after he had his coffee and bfast his number was still not called.

few cheet chat and complains was then heard again. mostly from elderly.

im getting the hang of waiting for few hours before the doctor see me so i said nothing. wanted to tell them that today was actually a bit better than the other days but i restrain myself from saying it. hahha.

since i can't stand the crowd and the bodyache suffered as a result of sitting too long with the elderly i decided to take my medical report that i requested last time at the Record Office first.

it was quite far but at least time consuming which mean wasting my ample time before finally the doctor called my number.

the time when i came back to the clinic the number did move from 10 (before i leave the number finally changed) to 14. the gentleman beside me that was complaining about the time it took for the number to change had already been inside the room.

so i have to continue waiting till my number 32.

i looked at my watch and it was stated 12.15pm. the number at that time was 27. pfftt. another 5 more ppl then im finally be called in.

12.45 mom called me asking where the heck am i at that time and wondering what took me so long just for medical check up??

i answered her questions and finally around 1pm they called my number.



routine check up with different doc this time. i prefer dr.lim, we speak on better terms. 
so the lady doc asked me whether there was anything that affect me in any part or any complaints after the operation took place?

i told her that i had lost my feeling sensation on my upper right hand and armpit area. it's totally senseless!

then she told me the doctor must've burned the feeling sensation nerve.

ouch!thanks so much dr for burning my sensation feeling.....

but then she told me again that it might recover but unsure of the certainty of recovery. but at least it wouldn't effect me so much,only the lost of sensation only.

then my search begin for dr.teoh.

 he somewhat look like him.esp the spec.

~to be continue~