Sunday, October 10, 2010

Alcohol According to the Islamic Perspective

it was very interesting to me that my friend had said something rather odd to me yesterday. first i was just shocked but then i thought i was wrong (i always had those kind of thoughts although certain times i know im right) .

he was saying something to me about alcohol and islamic view of it. he told me that according to the islamic perspective alcohol is not haram or illicit/forbidden but rather makruh or dislike/offensive act. 
haram - you do it you've sinned

makruh - you do it you don't get pahala or rewards . you don't do it you get pahala.
so as i had promised him i will google it back home.

i did my homework. and here's the result.
according to the Official Website of Malaysian Fatwa (the bodies where islamic scholars will discuss about certain issues regarding islam) this is what was stated ...


 Muzakarah Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs Malaysia Kali Ke-7 met on 11 to 12 April 1984 to discuss Alcohol From an Islamic Perspective. Muzakarah has decided that:

  • Any liquor containing alcohol. Not all the alcohol contains alcohol. Alcohol is the process of making wine kosher law, but alcohol was not made through the legal process of making wine, but not haram drink unclean.

  • Soft drinks are made the same way with either a wine contains some alcohol or distilled alcohol is illegal to be drunk.

  • Soft drinks are made not to be drunken alcohol or substance and not in the same manner with the process liquor is lawful.

  • Lounge halal food.

  • Alcohol is there a side in the manufacturing process does not waste food can be eaten.

  • Drugs and alcohol content of perfume that there is a need can be forgiven.