Thursday, June 10, 2010

thinking abt him

i hate it when certain times i remembered about mph. its not that i hate him but all the memories about him will make me miss him so much.

everytime i saw fachry albar i will definitely think about mph and everytime i went to mph i will think and intent to find him.that is one more reason why i did not go to mph anymore.our memory was too much to think about in the store.he is the guy that i really had my true crush on.that guy is my first love or love at first sight.but too bad i dont even have a clue about him,what his name or other information about him.i dont even had the guts to talk to him when i still worked at the store.rugi me.

obviously the time when i type this piece of article i was either damn bored or was listening to Turn Left Turn Right OST songs.tht is usually the time when i will start to think about him.

-flu girl-