Wednesday, June 16, 2010

happy with a reason least i am happy about something real. although this might sounded lame but someone i like retweet me which he also did to his other fans. so this make me sounded very very lame but who cares right. as long as i am happy nobody can stop that from making me continued to be happy.

all this thanks to choky sitohang. actually there is nothing much that he retweet me but at least it somethiing that can make me smile and feel happy for a moment, somemore with me facing all this test it is something to cheer me up.

thanks choky for making my day today, i will never forget the day choky sitohang reply my tweet!hahaha...seneng kea anak kecil gua.

mo coba lagi ngetweet afgan,mo liat d bales ga sm dia...kalo ga d bales bkn krn dia ga igt sm ak sihh but probably because he is too busy or that a lot of ppl tweet him. choky also the same but maybe i was lucky enough that he seen my tweet to him and thus he replied me.

~choky sitohang~