looking at the love shown between shinichi and ran remind me of sumthing.the love between the both of them shows that even if the person you really loved the most is not in front of you,it doesnt mean that you must stop loving them.the love will continue if it is a genuine love and true love that you believe in.i wonder if those kinda love really exist in today's world becoz i rarely seen it and at the same time it happend to me.but the thing is i FINALLY realize tht he's not the one for me.that is a good reason why now i have to think twice before i enter into any relationship bcoz you'll regret it once you be with someone but seing the person you really love the most as only a stranger or fren rather than ur partner.the worst is that when you found out that that person you had a crushed actually like you the same as you do to him.that is the time you feel like you wished you would never meet the person you are with now.that happened to me and as a conclusion,i ended the relationship bcoz i cant deny my own feelings nemore and i cant go kidding around with myself nemore.im just being me.
ran's love towards shinichi is really sumthing!that shows how a true love must be.the same goes to shinichi's love towards ran.he just didnt realize bout it earlier and still denying the fact that he likes her.
"if you are destined with sumone,that person will still be ur partner no matter what happened"
that is a good phrase describing the love between heiji hattori and kazuha.heiji just realize that kazuha was the first love he found in his life and that happened when he was in kyoto.he was searching for the first love until the time he thought that he already found the person he was searching for but at the end that person was not the one that he was searching for.he did not realize that the person he was searching for is the person who is always standing by near him,kazuha.he finally found out about it and was glad that he knows that the person whom he love now is the person whom he loved when he was still a kid.
how i wish that these kind of fairy tales can really happened in real life...esp happend to me.i mostly fit to ran situation where i actually had a crush on this guy and he is my only crushed that i still like and remember till now and really missed a lot.the guy is mph but too bad he got 'sumone' else as his partner,i guess.so basically my fairy tales will remain as fairy tales though last time i was hoping that it could become true and i really actually believed that it will come true though,i just feel it!but too bad,my feeling was just denying the fact that it is the most impossible things that could happend.well,im still hoping that i can meet him and i will wait the time when im going to meet him and hopefully im prepared for it.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
my exam
walaueh...i dunno wat to say about the xm just now leh.i answered all four question but amazingly i still got time to just sit and look back at all my question and can even tried out sum other question that i didnt do.i even can flip back the statute book as if im revising it.owh...God,please let me just pass this paper and the rest of the other 3 papers.im so scared bcoz all my fren seems so confident while me just worried about my paper.it is bcoz most of them answered all 2pages only while all my friend answered either 2.5pages or 3 pages.im so so so scared!am i missing anything in my answer??hopefully not la and i really hope that the lecturer in UK can be lenient while marking all my papers.anyway,this is only the 1st paper and i shouldnt let myself down like this but rather i must prepare for the next paper and i should go all out for all the next paper.
ps:yesterday or can say that this morning i had a terrible sleep bcoz i couldnt sleep till i ate panadol.see how stressed i am??but still i can surf the net just to see fu hai feng cute pic and listen to sum nice song(slow korean song).shy to admit but sumtimes i do njoy this kinda songs.sooth my ear and easy listening.

this is wat i did basically yesterday b4 my crime paper.lol.yes yes,its a crime!
ps:yesterday or can say that this morning i had a terrible sleep bcoz i couldnt sleep till i ate panadol.see how stressed i am??but still i can surf the net just to see fu hai feng cute pic and listen to sum nice song(slow korean song).shy to admit but sumtimes i do njoy this kinda songs.sooth my ear and easy listening.
this is wat i did basically yesterday b4 my crime paper.lol.yes yes,its a crime!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
pikiran ngak keruan
temen gue yg satu ni kangen banget ama 'pengsannya'.smakin dia mndgr lagunya ct 'melawan kesepian' smakin dianya lg pkirin dia ja.gimana ya mau nasihatin dia ni??
kalu aku sih aku cuma tringatkn si mph itu.kangen banget ama dia!his face looks like fachry albar,exactly!dats why maybe i fall for him.all the memories are still remain with me.maybe thats the reason why i dun hv special one with me.but hopefully the next one should be permanent.maybe it could be mph...
kalu aku sih aku cuma tringatkn si mph itu.kangen banget ama dia!his face looks like fachry albar,exactly!dats why maybe i fall for him.all the memories are still remain with me.maybe thats the reason why i dun hv special one with me.but hopefully the next one should be permanent.maybe it could be mph...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
he look like sumone...
the guy that my fren like looks like Hafiz Hashim!i just realized bout it when i watch the news today.yayaya...now i know whom he looks like.oh,he really remind me of pengsan oledi!
you know wat,i saw his pic at the other annexe today.he's the champion!no no,i was just kidding.his team did not won anything but rather all of em who joined the futsal competition received a trophy each.darn!i should have join it!she should have join it oso.
you know wat,i saw his pic at the other annexe today.he's the champion!no no,i was just kidding.his team did not won anything but rather all of em who joined the futsal competition received a trophy each.darn!i should have join it!she should have join it oso.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Go Kart!
these few days my excitement over go karting is there again.i just cant wait to go to Genting(if there is anyone dat willing to follow me) and i just wanna go go kart only.but im not sure whether they still have the go kart place or not since i didnt see any promotions in the game section mentioning about go kart but rather they just mention about archery(xpensive).
i has oledi checked places around Malaysia that provide go kart track and too bad Penang did not provide any!so that means either i have to go all the way to shah alam,which is way too far, or i can either go to ipoh or setiawan or even langkawi.considering the track,the one situated in Langkawi looks even better and more challenging compared to ipoh.thats the reason why the prices oso is different!the one is langkawi will be much more xpensive than the one is ipoh.for setiawan,i think the price is kinda reasonable for the track.maybe should go there oso!but maybe i might just go to Langkawi 1st bcoz i might be going there with my mates after my xm.hopefully...if not then i will just asked sidd to bring me to ipoh and setiawan and take me to the go kart circuit!muahaha...bully him b4 he go to UK.
dats all im thinking now beside xm.there's only two things that i can focused on,which is study and motorsport esp go karting.if Penang have a go kart circuit,i will be their regular customer.please please LIM GUAN ENG,open up at least one place and made it a go kart circuit!!i bag you...please!!!!who knows that Penang will eventually produced an F1 driver or A1 or F2000 n etc driver??rite??after all,Penang has produced lots of talent like actresses and actor,models and top scorer and not to mention GREATEST FOOD of ALL!!!
i has oledi checked places around Malaysia that provide go kart track and too bad Penang did not provide any!so that means either i have to go all the way to shah alam,which is way too far, or i can either go to ipoh or setiawan or even langkawi.considering the track,the one situated in Langkawi looks even better and more challenging compared to ipoh.thats the reason why the prices oso is different!the one is langkawi will be much more xpensive than the one is ipoh.for setiawan,i think the price is kinda reasonable for the track.maybe should go there oso!but maybe i might just go to Langkawi 1st bcoz i might be going there with my mates after my xm.hopefully...if not then i will just asked sidd to bring me to ipoh and setiawan and take me to the go kart circuit!muahaha...bully him b4 he go to UK.
dats all im thinking now beside xm.there's only two things that i can focused on,which is study and motorsport esp go karting.if Penang have a go kart circuit,i will be their regular customer.please please LIM GUAN ENG,open up at least one place and made it a go kart circuit!!i bag you...please!!!!who knows that Penang will eventually produced an F1 driver or A1 or F2000 n etc driver??rite??after all,Penang has produced lots of talent like actresses and actor,models and top scorer and not to mention GREATEST FOOD of ALL!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
yesterday once more, once more
oh,how i wished i could turn back time and repeat again the day that i spoke with you or was sitting in front of you or even the day you was introduced to me...the year went off so fast that i couldnt remember why i didnt has any big crush at you last time.i wished tht some miracle mite happend and we will be together or at least knw each other better.hope that faith will lead us together and showed us some way.who knows dat our mom will ended up knowing each other for a very long time and by that then maybe we can be closer or at least b friend though i wish tat we can be more than a fren.the song that kinda make me think of you know wud be Teardrops on my Guitar.i dunno why but tats the song tat will sumtimes make me think of you.dunno oso whether u have a gf or engaged or wat but hopefully ur still single and available.but the thing is im scared that ur parents will arrange ur marriage.hopefully not.
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