boredness hit at the maximum level.its because i did not fill my past time with something useful but hopefully starting from tomorrow i will fill my ample of time with something beneficial...starting with early wake up mission,first time ever photoshoot and then maybe start to learn how to cook decent food rather than try all those grand difficult recipe.tsk.
wat else??
i think i should be able to make my first 'debut' on 24june at 9pm.its not a real debut but purposely said such thing to exaggerate and comfort myself! haha. wat a whimpy kid.
anyhow i will try to find tetris game at arcade which now i think is kinda probably jz goin to buy some cheapo tv game which has tetris game in it.
i shall log out myself from this cyberworld and hibernate myself to recharge my human liquid battery.
Berita Teknologi · 156 weeks ago